Fitness is the key to success in sport. If you have searched around
the net for fitness information you will know that there is a lot
of information out there, and not all of it I would agree with. You will
also notice that usually they are trying to sell you something. This site has heaps of information and interesting articles about fitness for sport.
And the best thing ... it's all for free!
This site is about freely sharing knowledge. Some of the articles have been sourced from other authors, so you may still occasionally find some conflicting advice. The stuff here is good advice, but as you will see, in the fitness game there is more than one way to skin a cat. I suggest that you read as much as you can and make up your mind.
Exercise Database
Over 70 training exercise descriptions ...
- Some for the gym: Bicep curls, Deadlifts, Squats, Leg curls, Leg press, Lat pull-downs, Lunge, and much more.
- Dumbbell Exercise List
- Training at Home Exercise List
- Pregnancy Exercises List
- At the Beach Exercises List
- Body weight Exercise List

Fitness Equipment
Reviews and discussions of Equipment Guides and other Fitness Products.
Fitness Facts
Some fitness facts and figures to improve you fitness and training knowledge.
Health & Nutrition
Eating the right food, particularly when training and placing extra stress on the body, is also vitally important for gaining and maintaining a healthy body
A collection of resources for the athlete or health and fitness professionals.
- Online Fitness Store
- Quotes — about health and fitness.
- Free Downloads
- Stretching List
- Glossary — training and fitness terminology.
- Polls — fitness and training polls.
- Courses for Personal Trainers.
- Workout Dice — random workout creator
- Fitness Clipart and Photos
Latest Pages
- Training Partner Benefits [Mar '25]
- Using Technology to Maximize Your Workouts [Mar '25]
- Fitness and Technology [Mar '25]
- Building a Fitness Application? [Jan '25]
- The Best Quad Exercise? [Nov '24]
- Leg Press vs. Hack Squat: A Lower Body Training Breakdown [Nov '24]
- Hack Squat Exercise [Nov '24]
- Make Fitness More Than A Hobby [Nov '24]
- Leg Extension Exercise [Nov '24]
- Essential Products for Runners [Sep '24]
Related Pages
- Sports Coaching
- Read the fitness entries on the sporting blog.
- Monitor your fitness levels with fitness testing.