What is Balance and Coordination?
Sports Definition: balance is the ability to stay upright or stay in control of body movement, and coordination is the ability to move two or more body parts under control, smoothly and efficiently.
There are two types of balance: static and dynamic. Static balance is maintaining equilibrium when stationary, while dynamic balance is maintaining equilibrium when moving. We use our eyes, ears and 'body sense' to help retain our balance.

Coordination is a complex skill that requires not only good balance, but good levels of other fitness components such strength and agility. Balance and coordination can be improved through practice and training within specific sports.
Who Needs Balance and Coordination?
Balance and Coordination is one of the main fitness components, a factor for success in many sports. In certain sports, such as gymnastics and surfing, balance is one of the most important physical attributes. Good coordination is also vital for sports involving hitting objects. In many other sports, including team sports, good balance and coordination is an important part of skill development and the overall fitness profile. A vote of the top sports requiring coordination has hitting sports such as baseball, tennis and squash ranked highest. See also another list ranking sports in which balance is important.
Balance and Coordination and Fitness Information
- Training for Balance
- Yoga for Fitness
- Balance fitness tests
- Coordination fitness tests
- Balance Equipment — balance boards and tilt tables for balance training
Related Pages
- About Pilates
- Top Balance Sports