Here is a collection of balance tests. Which one to use? Also read the discussion about balance testing.

at the 2015 NHL Combine.
Standing Balance
- Flamingo Balance — stand on one leg while balancing on a beam.
- Stork Stand Test — stand on the toes of one leg for as long as possible with the free leg resting on the inside of the opposite knee.
- Standing Balance Test — stand on one leg for as long as possible.
- One Leg Stand — the US sobriety test, stand with one foot off the ground for 30 seconds.
- Stick Lengthwise Test — balance on a stick for as long as possible, standing side-on on the balls of both feet.
Walking Balance
Dynamic Balance
- Hop and Stop Test — a functional movement test which evaluates an individual's ability to hop and then come to a complete stop.
- Balance Board Test
- Bass Test
- Star Excursion Balance Test
- Y Balance Test
- Multiple Single-Leg Hop-Stabilization Test (MSLHST)
Related Pages
- About balance tests
- About agility testing
- Training for Balance and Balance Equipment
- Balance or Core Stability Training Equipment: Swiss Balls, Bosu Balls and Board Trainers.
- Bosu Balls, Balance Trainers and Swiss Exercise Balls in the Fitness Store.