If you can't decide what to do today for your aerobic circuit, we have the answer for you. Simply spinning the images gives you a random exercise and the number of repetitions you need to do.
You can use this workout dice any way you wish, though we suggest setting yourself a total workout time (such as 10 minutes), do a short warm-up, then get started. The time between each exercise when the images are spinning is your rest, plus there is a bonus rest as one of the exercise options. If you need explanations for the exercise, see below. Good luck.
Click to create your random workout
Exercise Descriptions
- Jumping Jacks — start with your legs apart and arms straight above the head and hands together. Then as you jump, bring your legs together and bring your arms to your sides. Jump again and return to the starting position.
- Burpees — starting position for the burpee is standing erect with the arms by the side. From the standing position, squat down and place the hands on the floor in front of the feet. Putting the bodyweight on the hands, the legs are thrust back to a push-up position with a straight line from the shoulders to the heels. Next pull the legs back and return to the squatting position, then up back to the starting standing position.
- Pushups — Start in a "plank" position on the floor or mat, weight on the hands and toes, with the hands below your shoulders. Bend your elbows and lower your chest toward the floor, keeping back and hips level. Then press back up to the starting position.
- Sit-Ups — Lie flat on your back, with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Tighten your core and press your lower back into the mat, while reaching forward towards the top of knees. Return to starting position while keeping the core tight.
- Squats — Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes facing forward. Bend your knees and hips, shifting your hips back and arms out in front. Lower yourself until the knees are about 90 degrees, then back to the starting position.
- Triceps Dips — With your arms resting on the edge of a chair, with your legs out in front, slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself toward the floor, then push back up.
- Lunges — Start with your feet together, then step forward on your right foot, dropping your pelvis down toward the floor (not forward), lowering yourself until both front and back knees are bent as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. Then push back with the front leg and return to your starting position. Remember to switch legs.
Related Pages
- Staying fit with a home workout
- Body weight exercises
- Ideas for cheap home weights.