Here is a list of strength and strength endurance fitness tests. Which ones to use? Read the discussion about strength fitness testing. See also the anaerobic tests of power, speed and anaerobic capacity.

Muscle Strength
- 1RM Tests
- Muscle Fiber RM Test
- Isokinetic Strength Tests
- Handgrip Strength Test
- Finger Pinch Grip Test
- Abdominal Strength Test (7 Stage)
- Abdominal Strength Test (4 Level)
- Dynamic Sit-Up Test
- Trunk Lift — lift the upper body off the floor and hold that position while the height is measured.
- Straight Leg Ab Strength Test
- Isometric Back Strength — hold a horizontal position while hanging over the edge of a bench for a set time period.
- Mid-Thigh Pull Test (IMTP) — an isometric leg strength test, the participant pulls against a static object
- Isometric Leg Extension (Groningen)
- Isometric Push-Up (Brockport) — the 'up' position is held for as long as possible.
- Isometric Push-Up Hold Test — the 'down' position is held for as long as possible.
- Trunk Stability Push-Up Test — push up from the ground while keeping the body straight with no sagging.
- Seated Push-Up (Brockport)
- Push and Pull Strength Test (NHL)
- Upper Back Strength (Kraus-Weber) — lift up the chest for 10 seconds while the feet are held down.
- Lower Back Strength (Kraus-Weber) — lift up the legs for 10 seconds while the upper body is held down.
Muscular Strength Endurance
Some tests have a whole body workout, like the burpee test, though others focus on a section of the body or particular muscle groups.
Upper Body Strength Endurance Tests
- Pull-Up Test (also PFT Pull Up and NAPFA Pull Up)
- Cadence Pull-Up Test — at a rate of 15 per minute
- Horizontal Pull-Up Test and Modified Pull-Up — with the body horizontal or at an incline, grasp and pull up towards a bar.
- Bench Pull
- Bench Press Max Reps
- Bench Press (%BW)
- Bench Press Beep
- Bench Press Max Power
- Bench Press (Brockport)
- Bench Press Cadence Test
- Push Up (general)
- Push-up (cadence)
- Push Up Beep (NHL)
- Push-up Test (at home)
- Push Up with a Chair
- Modified push-up test
- Push Ups (APFT)
- Push Ups (PRT)
- Push Up (maximum)
- Seated Dumbell Press (Brockport)
- Arm Curl Test
- Bicep Curl Max Reps
- Dips
- Flexed Arm Hang
- Flexed Arm Hang (PFT)
- Flexed Arm Hang (IPFT)
- Bent Arm Hang (Eurofit)
- Extended (Straight) Arm Hang Test — hanging from an overhead bar with straight arms for as long as possible, part of the Brockport assessment.
Core Strength Endurance Tests
- Abdominal Endurance Tests
- Curl Ups (Pres Challenge)
- Curl Ups (partial) (Pres Challenge)
- Curl Up Beep (NHL)
- Partial Curl Ups
- FitnessGram Curl Up
- NCF Abdominal Curl Test
- Sit-up Test (test at home)
- Sit Ups (APFT)
- Sit Ups (PRT)
- 30sec Sit-Up Test (Eurofit)
- Crunches (situps) (PFT)
- Side Ramp
- Plank Test
- Leg Raises
- Leg Tuck
- Ins and Outs
- Back Extensions — number of back extensions performed in 20 seconds.
Lower Body Strength Endurance Tests
- Squat Test (test at home) — perform as many squats as you can.
- Single Leg Squat
- Wall Sit (Single Leg)
- Wall Squat
- 30 Second Endurance Jump — jump across a hurdle as many times as possible in 30 seconds.
- Multistage Hurdle Jump Test — count the number of jumps over a hurdle in two 20-second periods.
- Hurdle Agility Jump — 45 seconds of two-legged jumping over a hurdle.
- Chair Stand Test
- Ruffier Squat Test — measure heart rate before and after performing 30 squats in 45 seconds.
Related Pages
- List of Speed and Power Tests
- About strength testing
- About Abdominal Testing
- Strength Fitness
- All Fitness Tests List
- What are the highest ranking strength sports?