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NHL Curl-Up Beep Test

The curl-up beep test requires the participants to perform as many sit ups as possible following a set cadence. The following information describes the procedures for the curl up test as used for the NHL pre-draft testing combine. There is a similar partial sit-up test at a different cadence and slightly different technique used for the Connecticut Physical Fitness Test. See the general guidelines for Abdominal Endurance Tests.

test purpose: The curl-up test measures abdominal strength and endurance, which is important in back support and core stability.

equipment required: a flat, clean, cushioned surface, and a metronome. A sit-up beep test mp3 with the 1-in-3 sec cadence is also available for purchase. There is also an online sit-up metronome that you can use.

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. See more details of pre-test procedures.

sit up exercisesit up exercise

procedure: Athletes are required to perform 25 curl-ups a minute (though set the metronome at 50 so that there is a signal for both the up and down movement). The subject lies in a supine position on a mat, with the knees bent at 90°, heels in contact with the ground, and with the arms crossed over the chest with each hand on the opposite shoulder. From the starting position, the athlete slowly curls up far enough so that the elbows make contact with the thighs. The heals must remain in contact with the floor and the feet may not be held. The athlete returns in a controlled manner so the shoulder blades touch the mat. An assistant should place one hand under the shoulders on the mat to verify contact. Without pausing, the subject performs the maximum number of curl-up repetitions possible up to a limit of 100. The test is terminated if the participant appears to be experiencing unusual discomfort, they are unable to maintain required cadence, they are unable to maintain the proper technique over two consecutive repetitions (e.g. the heels come off the floor), and if 100 repetitions are performed (e.g. 4 min has elapsed).

scoring: Record the total number of curl ups. The completion of one complete curl up counts as one.

advantages: this test is simple and quick to perform requiring minimal equipment, and large groups may be tested at once.

disadvantages: a metronome is not always available and creating a suitable audio tape is not easily done. It is difficult to control the amount of the curl up.

guidelines: before conducting any fitness test, you should review each person's medical status to identify medical, orthopedic or other health problems that should be considered. Before starting, make sure the correct techniques for all tests are explained. (see the Fitness Testing Guidelines for more info)

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