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Single-Leg Wall Sit Test

This is a simple test of lower body muscular strength and endurance, requiring the subject to hold a sitting position while leaning against a wall, on one leg, for as long as possible. There is the similar wall squat test performed with both legs on the ground.

test purpose: to measure the strength endurance of the lower body, particularly the quadriceps muscle group.

equipment required: flat non-slip floor, smooth wall and a stopwatch.

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Perform an appropriate warm-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.

procedure: Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart, with your back against a smooth vertical wall. Slowly slide your back down the wall to assume a position with both your knees and hips at a 90° angle. Move the feet position if required. The timing starts when one foot is lifted off the ground and is stopped when the subject cannot maintain the position and the foot is returned to the ground. After a period of rest, the other leg is tested.

scoring: the total time in seconds that the position was held for each leg is recorded. The table below gives a general guideline to expected scores for a single leg for adults, based on my personal experiences. Comparing the scores for each leg may indicate muscle weakness on one side.

Ratings for Single Leg Wall Sit Test

rating males (seconds) females (seconds)
excellent >100 > 60
good 75-100 45-60
average 50-75 35-45
below average 25-50 20-35
very poor < 25 < 20

source: topendsports

comments: it is best to let the arms hang by your side, or crossed over your chest. The hands may not be used to assist holding the leg up or bracing against the wall.

advantages: This test requires minimal equipment and can be conducted with large groups all at once

variations / alternatives: there is a similar wall squat test performed with both legs on the ground. Some procedures position the lifted leg differently, such as requiring the leg to be held out straight, or placed on top of the support leg.

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