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Bent-Arm Hang Test

This test measures upper body relative strength and endurance. The following describes the procedures as used for the Eurofit Manual. This test is commonly called the Flexed-Arm Hang - see variations below for similar test procedures.

test purpose: to measure upper body relative strength and endurance.

equipment required: Stopwatch, an elevated horizontal bar.

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Perform an appropriate warm-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.

procedure: The subject is assisted into position, the body lifted to a height so that the chin is level with the horizontal bar. The bar is grasped using an overhand grip (palms are facing away from body), with the hands shoulder width apart. The timing starts when the subject is released. They should attempt to hold this position for as long as possible. Timing stops when the person's chin falls below the level of the bar or the head is tilted backward to enable the chin to stay level with the bar.

performing the flexed arm hang testperforming the flexed arm hang test

scoring: The total time held in the flex-arm position in seconds is recorded.

variations: three other procedures for the flexed arm hang are described on this site, the flexed arm hang test the President's Challenge Fitness Awards, and the flexed arm hang used for the International Physical Fitness Test, and also the flexed arm hang test used for the Marines. These procedures vary only slightly from that described here.

advantages: the equipment is readily available, and the test is easy and quick to perform.

disadvantages: The body weight of the subject has a great effect on the results of this test. A better test of upper body strength in which body weight is not as important is the push-up test.

comments: this test is often used for children who are unable to do more than one chin-up exercise. Another alternative is the modified pull-up (horizontal).

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