Rodeo is a sport which demontrates cowboy skills, with many events developed from cattle ranching. Rodeo is popular in Spain, Mexico, United States, Canada, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.
The sport traces back to the 1820’s in the United States and northern Mexico. Rodeo events are both timed and rough stock events.
The usual events competitors join are: calf roping, team ropes, steer wrestling, saddle bronc and bareback, bronc riding, Bull Riding, and Barrel Racing. The most popular timed event is the Roping. The competitors try to capture cattle using a rope.

Other types of roping events are calf and breakaway roping. There is a rodeo event for women and pre-teen girls which is called goat tying. Wild horses are used for rough stock events. There should be two well-trained riding horses for this event. They are ridden by “pick up men” or women, they are to assist fallen riders and help them get back up.
Rodeo Sports
- Bull Riding — a rodeo sport that involves a rider getting on a large bull and attempting to stay mounted while the animal attempts to buck them off.
- Barrel Racing — a rodeo event where participants and horses complete a clover-leaf pattern around barrels.
- Roping — a rodeo event where calves or cows are caught by throwing around it a rope with a loop as qucikly as possible.
- Chilean Rodeo — two riders on horseback try to stop a calf.
- Cowboy Mounted Shooting — involves shooting at targets while riding a horse.
- Team Penning — the objective for each three-rider team on horseback is to separate three specific cattle from a herd.
- Tent Pegging — the objective for a horse rider is to pierce, pick-up and carry a target, with a lance or a sword, as they gallop towards the target.
- Toros Coleados — involves chasing down a bull while riding on horseback (also called Bull-Tailing).
- Charreada - a competitive event similar to rodeo and was developed from animal husbandry practices used on the haciendas of old Mexico (more of a demonstration than a sport)
Similar Sports
- Tent Pegging — the objective for a horse rider is to pierce, pick-up and carry a target, with a lance or a sword, as they gallop towards the target.
- Chuckwagon Racing — a chuckwagon is pulled by four thoroughbred horses around a track
- Equestrian — competitions testing horse riding skills.
Related Pages
- List of all sports involving horses
- Complete list of sports
- The Encyclopedia of Sports — a list of every sport from around the world.