Footvolley is a sport that is the combination aspects of beach volleyball and association football (soccer). Footvolley sport was created in Brazil by Octavio de Moraes in 1965 on the Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana Beach, and was first known as “pevoley” which literally means foot volley.
Footvolley is essentially beach volleyball except in this sport the players are not able to use their hands. The rules are basically the same as in beach volleyball, with the exception the ball-touch rules, which are taken from Association football. A football is used rather than a volleyball.

This spectacular sport started in Rio de Janeiro, and has spread to cities like Brazil, Santos, Florianopolis, Goiania and Recife.
Similar Sports
- Sepak Takraw — volleyball like sport using the feet.
- Jokgu — a Korean sport that resembles a mix of football and volleyball.
- Beach Volleyball— A version of volleyball played on sand and with teams of two players, in which a ball is hit by hand over a high net, the aim being to score points by making the ball reach the ground on the opponent's side of the court.
- Beach Soccer — similar to association football but played on a beach or sand.
- Football Tennis — tennis played with the feet
- Footbag Net — players have to kick a footbag over a 5ft high net.
- Basse — a bag ball game from Norway in which the ball is kept from landing in the player's area, using any part of the body except the hands.
- Sipa — a sport from the Philippines in which the aim is to kick the ball to the other side of the net onto the opponent’s side without it touching the ground.
Related Pages
- Footvolley was a demonstration sport at the Rio Olympics
- About Beach Sports
- About Sport in Brazil
- Discussion of Volleyball-Type Sports
- Complete list of sports