Football tennis, also known as futnet, originated in 1920 in Czechoslovakia. It is basically a ball game that can be played indoors and outdoors in a court which is divided by a low height net with two opposing teams. It is more like volleyball than tennis, and like Sepak Takraw but with a lower net.
The teams can consist of one, two or three players, who will score a point by hitting the ball with any part of their body except the hands and also making it bounce in the opponent’s court area in a manner that it makes it almost impossible for the other team to return it over the net.
This sport has three disciplines which are single, double and triple. In all three disciplines of this sport a set will finish when a team score 11 points with a two point difference. The maximum score of this sport is 15:14. To win the match the team will have to win two sets. Height of the net is 1.10m.
Similar Sports
- Footvolley — beach volleyball only using the feet.
- Sepak Takraw — volleyball like sport using the feet.
- Jokgu — a Korean sport that resembles a mix of football and volleyball.
- Footbag Net — players have to kick a footbag over a 5ft high net.
- Tennis — court sport in which players hit a ball over a net with rackets.
Related Pages
- Football Decoder — what is called football around the world?
- Sport in Czechoslovakia
- Complete list of sports
- The Encyclopedia of Sports — a list of every sport from around the world.