Breaking, often associated with martial arts demonstrations, is the act of breaking solid objects like wood, bricks, and ice using strikes. This practice is not only about brute force but also about precision, technique, and mental focus. While commonly linked to karate, breaking is featured in various martial arts such as Taekwondo and Kung Fu.

Breaking Competitions
Breaking competitions are an exciting part of martial arts competitions, showcasing the blend of power, technique, and mental discipline that characterizes the sporting discipline.
The objects typically used for breaking range from wooden boards and ceramic tiles to more challenging materials such as concrete blocks and ice. The object can be hit by any part of the body, usually a hand or a foot, but may also be a fingertip, toe, head, elbow, knuckle, or knee.
The competition may be based on the number of items that can be broken in a given amount of time, number of items broken with a single strike, or the time to break a number of items.
The competitors may be judged based on several criteria, including technique, difficulty, power, and overall execution.
Similar Sports
- Karate — a martial art developed in Japan that uses punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes, and some open-hand techniques.
- Taekwondo — a Korean martial art focused on high, fast kicks, dynamic footwork, and self-discipline.
- Kung Fu (Wushu) — a general term for Chinese martial arts, the competition format is Wushu.
- Pencak Silat — a fighting sport from Indonesia which collectively encompasses martial arts of various styles.
Related Pages
- More about Martial Arts
- Breakdancing - sometimes also called breaking
- Complete list of sports
- The Encyclopedia of Sports — a list of every sport from around the world.