Just about every day in the media and from friends you will hear some nutritional advice. Many people just believe everything they hear or read, but in my experience you should be critical of all the information, and ask more questions and research the topic if you really want to get to the truth. Often the information is somewhat correct, but maybe taken out of context, or twisted to sell a certain product or support a certain point of view.
Nutrition Myths and Realities
Here is a list of some of the things you may hear about, which may or may not be true. Follow the links to find the answers and to find out more about why.
- Alcohol Myths: Alcohol is good for your health, Red is the healthiest variety of wine, and other alcohol myths.
- Olive Oil Myth: Extra virgin olive oil is the best oil.
- Chewing Gum Myth: if you swallow gum it can take years to digest.
- Cholesterol Free Myth: ‘Cholesterol free’ means ‘fat free’
- Fat Free Myth: ‘Fat free’ is ‘calorie free’.
- Chocolate Myth: something that tastes this good can't be all bad.
- Fruit Juice Myth: Children can drink as much fruit juice as they want as it is healthy.
- Body Fat Myth: If you eat a diet high in fat, you will store more body fat.
- Carbohydrates Myth: Carbohydrates are no good to eat after 4pm as they promote weight gain.
- Sugar and GI Myth: Sugar is not good for people with diabetes.
- Decaff Coffee Myth: Decaf coffee is better for you than regular coffee.
- Vitamins & Minerals Myth: Food today is not as nutritious as it used to be - is that true?
- Organic Food Myth: Organic food is better for us than non-organic options.
- Salt Myth: Reducing salt intake can reduce blood pressure.
- Caffeine Myth: Caffeine is detrimental to one’s health.
- Brain Food Myth: Eating fish makes you smarter.
- Carrots and Eyesight Myth: Eating carrots makes you see better in the dark
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