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Top Tips for Better Bowel Function

Normal bowel movement is important for your health. It is important because not only can it help you avoid preventable colon issues, but the things that are good for your colon are also good for your overall well-being. Not only is it important, but it is also easy to maintain good colon health. Here are our top nutritional strategies for improving your bowel function.

Eat lots of friuit and veggies is good for your bowels Eat lots of friuit and veggies is good for your bowels
  1. Eat lots of friuit and veggies — Eat at least two serves of fresh fruit daily and at least 4-5 serves of vegetables daily.
  2. Go wholemeal — Choose wholegrain breads, rice and pasta, and choose higher fiber whole grain breakfast cereals.
  3. Spread your food intake evenly across the day
  4. Drink plenty of water — drink at least 1½ - 2 litres daily
  5. Exercise regularly — do physical exercise at least a few times a week
  6. Include some probiotics in your diet — e.g. cultures like acidophilus from yoghurts and Yakult. See more about probiotics.
  7. Try natural laxatives — Prunes or prune juice, liquorice. See more about laxatives.
  8. Establish a regular toilet habit

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