Strength exercises are no good for weight loss - true or false?
- If you can increase your basal metabolic energy consumption (or metabolism), you will increase your energy consumption - 24 hours a day. One way of increasing your metabolism is to increase the amount of muscle mass in your body. The way to increase your muscle size is to exercise them, such as with resistance exercises.
- If you increase your muscle mass and therefore metabolism, and maintain the same dietary intake, this will result in a loss in body weight. So weight training exercises should be a part of a weight loss program, particularly the large muscle groups such as the thigh muscles, as this will have the greatest impact on your metabolism and weight loss.
- Virtually everyone should include some type of strength training in their weekly workouts regardless of whether they are wanting to lose weight, just maintain it, or build muscle.
Related Pages
- More weight loss myths
- Exercise for weight loss
- Lose weight while doing nothing — Not really nothing, but indirectly by changing your metabolism through exercise.
- Follow the Path of MOST Resistance! — another article on using resistance exercise for weight loss.
- Fitness Myths
- Healthy Eating Myths and Truths
- All about Basal Metabolic Rate