Here are some common questions and answers about the beep test. If you have your own questions which are not answered on this or other beep test pages, please contact me. See also the general fitness testing FAQ.
- Where can I purchase a beep test tape/cd?
- The test I have is called something else, is it still the same?
- Should I use a mp3 or cd version?
- How do I calibrate the tape?
- Should I warm up before the test?
- What is the formula for the beep test calculator?
- Can I download an .mp3 or .wav file of the beep test
- Do I begin running after the man has said 'level ... ' or do I start at sound of the beep?
- Is it OK running ahead of the beeps in the early stages?
- Do you count the two consecutive shuttles that you miss, just before you drop out?
- Do you have to get over the line with both feet or is one foot enough?
- I stopped as soon as it said level 9/1. Does this mean I got 9/1 or 8/11?
- What is a good score?
- I saw some really high scores - can these be from another version?
- My son/daughter scored x on the beep test - what does that mean?
- Is my child too young to be doing a beep test?
- Can I convert my result from the 15 meter test to the 20 meter test?
- Can I do the test over 20 yards instead of 20 meters?
- How do I calculate average scores from a group?
- How do I improve my beep test score?
- How often should I do the beep test?
- Is it safe to do the beep test every day?
- What are the alternatives to the beep test?

Where can I purchase a beep test cd?
There are several options, from buying the cd, downloading an mp3, and using a beep test software on your computer. There is a Free download of the beep test mp3, and other beep test products available for sale. See more about Purchasing the Beep Test.
The test I have is called something else, is it still the same?
The test which involves running up and down between cones 20m apart has been variously described as the beep or bleep test, multi-stage fitness test or MSFT/MST, 20 meter shuttle run test, yo-yo endurance test, PACER, Léger Test and Aero test. In most cases the tests are essentially the same, though if you are unsure this should be checked before you compare results to other data or use specific calculations based on one of these tests. If you are only concerned about comparing results among your group and the changes over time, small differences in the test will not be important. See also the article about test variations, and the poll: What do you call the (bleep) test?
Should I use a mp3 or cd version?
Either the cd or mp3, any digital format is the preferred format to play the beep test audio. There would be no difference between these digital versions. Originally there was also an audio tape option, but that technology was prone to stretching and deteriorate over time, and the playback speed could also vary. It will be hard to find a tape version nowadays anyway.
How do I calibrate the tape?
If you have the audio cassette tape version of the test, there are instructions at the beginning of the tape for calibrating. For further details, see more about the Tape Version. The cd or mp3 version will not need calibrating, though the tape measure you are using to measure out the 20m may need checking from time to time.
Should I warm up before the test?
Although the test starts off slowly, beginning at just over walking pace and gradually increasing in pace, you should still do some warm up prior to the test to stretch out and warm up the muscles. Nothing too hard that will cause fatigue. Often the beep test is performed as part of a larger testing battery, and usually as the final test. If so, warm up would definitely been performed for the sprint or explosive tests, and the tests themselves would serve to warm you up. See more on Warming Up for Testing.
What is the formula for the beep test calculator?
A table with the shuttle run test scores and the corresponding predicted VO2max score is provided with the test CD or tape (well my copy was anyway). The calculator on this site is from a formula derived from this table. Due to each level of the test having variable number of shuttles, it is a complex formula. If you understand javascript, you may be able to look at the code of the calculator page and work it out.
Can I download a mp3 or wav file of the beep test?
We have the beep test audio file available for free download. Many of the listing of the beep test on eBay is for an audio file download too. If you want to make sure you have the correct version, and also would like the instructions and other information that comes with it, you can buy the CD or audio file yourself - see Purchasing the Beep Test.
Do I begin running after the man has said 'level ... ' or do I start at sound of the beep?
The test starts at the sound of the beep, as does each new shuttle and level. The verbal announcement of the level and stage numbers is just to let you know what each of the beeps was indicating.
Is it OK running ahead of the beeps in the early stages?
Some athletes, particularly those lacking in speed, may find it beneficial to get a little ahead of the recording early on in the test, to put a little distance 'in the bank' for later when the pace gets faster. It may not seem like a big deal to let the athlete get ahead of the tape early on, but it changes the test procedure and may mean that the results are not valid. It is hard to control such actions, so next time the test is performed it may not be done the same way, resulting in poor reliability of the test too. So I would not let an athlete get ahead of the recording (just as you don't let them get behind).
Do you count the two consecutive shuttles that you miss, just before you drop out?
If someone fails to reach the line on say level 4.4 and on 4.5, and therefore drops out; is the score then 4.3 or 4.5? i.e. does the design of the test allow for the two missed targets? The way I interpret the test description is that the number of successfully completed shuttles are counted, so the missed ones are not. However, if you miss one then catch up on the next, they are all counted. It is sometimes hard to count it this way, and depending on who is adjudicating, you may be given a score of either 4.3 or 4.5.
Do you have to get over the line with both feet or is one foot enough?
Placing only one foot over the line is within the rules, and is actually recommended, as you want to minimize the distance run for each shuttle. By making both feet go over the line, and the body too, you will be covering more distance each time.
I stopped as soon as it said level 9/1. Does this mean I got 9/1, 9/0 or 8/11?
This is a good question, as this issue confuses a lot of people. The words on the cd are "start level 9-1", so you have only just 'completed' 8-11, but you will find many people report it as 9-1. The difference is not really anything significant to worry about, just record it the same way each time so that you can accurately monitor improvements in your score.
What is a good score?
What is considered a good score not only depends on your age and sex, but also on which sport you are involved in. In a sport that aerobic fitness is not important, getting a low score could be just as good as getting a high score if you sport is distance running or some other sport in which aerobic fitness is very important. There is a rating table on the beep test description page. To get an idea of what result you should be aiming for, and results of athletes in this test, see the page about Athlete Beep Test Scores and the list of Beep test minimum standards.
I saw some really high scores - can these be from another version?
There are sometimes small variations in the tests used around the world, but essentially they are the same. What differs is how strict the testers are in enforcing the rules about reaching the lines in time, though that would not account for a large difference in scores. It is also important to consider that the 20m distance may not be accurate sometimes. There is a 15m version of the test that is sometimes used, but that is usually only in the US in some school testing situations. Another possibility is that the test performed was a yo-yo test, which has similarities to the beep test and is sometimes incorrectly called that.
My son/daughter scored x on the beep test - what does that mean?
The first thing to consider is the variation of the test that was conducted. While most of the tests that are around will score in a similar range, some such as a 15m test will not (see test variations). If you cannot get a good norm table for the version of the test that was used, a good way to get an idea of how someone performed is to compare to others. If your son/daughter was the best of their school or sporting team group, that is a very good indication of their potential. See also What is a good score?
Is my child too young to be doing a beep test?
The aerobic energy system of those pre-puberty is not well developed, so performing a beep test (or any other aerobic fitness test) may not be appropriate as limited information can be gained from the test. Having said that, I don't think that it is detrimental to the health for someone very young to perform the test. If kids are not very fit, they will not go very far on the test. The test can be a great motivation tool for them to improve and learn to push themselves. I would be more concerned about the safety of an unhealthy or elderly adult performing the test, who may not be used to maximal exertion exercise. See more on testing children.
Can I convert my result from the 15 meter test to the 20 meter test?
Some groups perform the 15m test rather than the commonly used 20m version (see more about Beep Test Variations). I do not know of any magic formula to convert the results of one to the other. A rough conversion could be done by calculating the distance traveled in one test (e.g. 20 meters x the total number of shuttles), then see what level would have been achieved if the same distance was covered in the other version of the test. FitnessGram have provided a PACER conversion chart to convert scores on the 15m PACER to a 20m score to enter in the FitnessGram software.
Can I do the test over 20 yards instead of 20 meters?
For those based in the USA, there are numerous places around marked in 20 yards: the football field, the floors of the athletic buildings etc. If you use 20 yards instead of 20 meters for the shuttles, it will make the test significantly easier, and therefore the players will record higher scores. You won't be able to compare to the test results of other groups that performed the 20m test. If you are not interested in comparing to anything else, just to establish a benchmark internally and set up target performances for players, then this is probably OK. However, the physical demands of the test will be a little different and whether it is still a valid test of aerobic capacity will not have been scientifically tested. I would personally stick with the established protocols and create a 20m area, but you probably won't go too wrong if you don't.
How do I calculate average scores from a group?
If you test a large group, it is difficult to calculate the team average as the spreadsheet program will interpret, for example, level 10.10 as the decimal 10.1. In order to get the average of a number of scores, you need to know the number of shuttles on each level, and convert each score to a decimal score. You can use my table of beep test levels and shuttles to work it out for yourself, or use the beep test decimal level chart which will do it for you.
How do I improve my beep test score?
The beep test is a physical fitness test of your aerobic fitness. There are three main areas that can be addressed to maximize your beep test score: mental toughness, pacing strategies and physical conditioning. These are discussed on the maximizing your beep test score page. To significantly improve your beep test score you need to do specific and general aerobic type fitness training. The beep test training page has some example training programs. You should also check out the aerobic fitness page.
How often should I do the beep test?
The beep test is primarily a test of aerobic endurance fitness, and testing at the most once a month is all that is recommended. In any less time than this it is difficult to see significant changes in fitness. Some people use the test as practice or training, and for this purpose there is no problem performing the test more regularly.
Is it safe to do the beep test every day?
I probably would not recommend doing the beep test every day, as it is a maximal test and quite exhausting and draining on the body. Your body needs rest day to recover and there is probably other training or exercise you should be doing. Otherwise, you could do it a few times a week no problem, and it would actually be good practice and good training if you are aiming to improve in the beep test.
What are the alternatives to the beep test?
The beep test is a test of the aerobic (or cardiovascular endurance) fitness component. There are many other tests that will also measure your aerobic fitness - see my complete list. The beep test is an example of a maximal aerobic test. Other commonly used maximal aerobic tests include the VO2max Bruce treadmill test and the 12 minutes run. Alternative submaximal tests include such tests as the step test and Astrand cycle test. Things to consider when choosing an appropriate test are the fitness level of the participants, size of the group, availability of equipment, space required and costs involved. There are also test related factors such as the reliability and validity of the test, and availability of norms.
Related Pages
- Free download of the beep test mp3
- Beep Test Home — all you need to know plus more
- Beep Test Tips
- Test Procedure — Detailed instructions for conducting the beep test. Also video examples.
- Maximizing Your Score — to get the most out of the beep test.
- References for the beep test
- Calculating Your Score — calculator to determine your VO2max equivalent score
- About Purchasing the beep test
- Beep Shuttle Listing — a listing of the number of runs for each level.
- More Fitness Testing FAQs
- Beep Test Software — provides the standard Multistage Fitness Test or Bleep Test right on your PC or Laptop, with many additional features.