Here are the basic pieces of equipment needed to play Australian Rules Football:
Playing Equipment
- Football: the ball, a prolate spheroid (oval) leather ball. The brand of football which is most commonly used in Australian rules football is a Sherrin.
- Whistle: Used by the umpire to signal the start and end of play and to indicate free kicks and other infractions.
- Oval: AFL games are played outside on grass. The field is called a "footy oval" as it is oval shaped. There is no standard size, and the dimensions may vary based on the level of the players. Senior football is typically played on a field about 135 metres long and 110 metres wide.
- Goal Posts: at each end of the field are two large goal posts, with smaller posts on either side.
- Boundary marker: the boundary of the playing field is usually marked with a white line.

Player Equipment
- Football Boots: Sturdy shoes with cleats for better grip on the ground.
- Jumper: The jersey worn by the players that denotes their team.
- Shorts: Athletic shorts worn by the players. The away team traditionally wears white shorts.
- Socks: Long socks in the team colors.
- Mouthguard: A protective device worn in the player's mouth to protect the teeth.
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