The Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) includes measures of functions most sensitive to concussion. It is a common test of concussion.
It is a multipart examination during which athletes are asked to name the date, describe how they feel, memorize and recall lists of words, and do jumping jacks and other tests of coordination. Ideally, this assessment should be administered and evaluated by a medical professional.
The SAC includes sections on the following:
- Orientation (month, date, day of week, year, time)
- Immediate memory (recall of 5 words in 3 separate trials)
- Neurologic
- Loss of consciousness (occurrence, duration)
- Amnesia (either retrograde or anterograde) (recollection of events pre- and post-injury)
- Sensation
- Coordination
- Strength
- Concentration
- Exertional maneuvers (jumping jacks, sit-ups)
- Delayed recall (5 words)
Related Pages
- About concussion and other concussion tests.
- Other concussion tests: imPACT, King-Devick, SCAT
- Full list of health tests.
- Health Tests for Athletes