A healthy breakfast should provide a variety of foods, low fat options, lots of carbohydrates and some fluids.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, becasue ..
- It breaks the overnight fast
- Gets your metabolism working
- Wakes the brain up
- Keeps your attention span longer in the morning
- Lifts your mood
Did you know …?
There are so many reasons that you and your family should eat breakfast every day. Here are just a few reasons;
- Breakfast eaters are more likely to be of a normal weight
- Breakfast improves alertness, concentration, mental performance and memory
- Eating breakfast makes students pay attention and retain information, as well as being more interested in learning
- People get tired and irritable when they miss breakfast
- Those who skip breakfast are more likely to snack on less nutritious meals during the day
- Breakfast eaters tend to have lower fat intakes
- Breakfast eaters have higher intakes of essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, dietary fibre and certain vitamins and minerals
- People who eat breakfast have better eating habits and choose better foods all day
- People who skip breakfast are more likely to be ravenously hungry for snacks during the day.

Healthy Breakfast Options
- A bowl of wholegrain cereal with low fat milk and sliced fruit
- A delicious smoothie made from low fat milk, fresh fruit, yoghurt and honey
- Some wholegrain toast, with fresh fruit and yoghurt
- Raisin toast spread with ricotta or cream cheese, and a piece of fruit
- Wholemeal or wholegrain toast topped with avocado, baked beans, tomatoes, peanut butter
Weekend Options
- Bircher muesli with a variety of fruits and nuts added
- Pancakes topped with fruit and yoghurt
- Poached or boiled eggs on wholegrain toast with a glass of fruit juice
- An omelette made with added vegetables such as onion, mushrooms, spinach and tomato
- Wholemeal muffins topped with tomato and low fat melted cheese
Low GI breakfast options – for slow release energy
- Cereals (e.g. All-Bran, Muesli, Porridge, Just Right, Special K, Mini-Wheats, Weet-Bix, Sustain)
- Milk and yoghurt
- Grain breads
- Fruit bread
- Baked Beans
- Fruit (Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Plum)
Related Pages
- Breakfast Guide for Travelers — how to start each day right with a healthy breakfast, even if you are on the road and eating out.
- Eating for Good Health
- Healthy Food Choices — advice on making good food choices for a healthy body.
- Food & Fatigue