Here are the winners of each of the Women's FIFA World Cup events since the first in 1991.
The USA have won a record four Women's World Cups. Japan's win in 2011 was the first Asian team to win a FIFA World Cup (including both men and women).
Results Table
2023 | Spain | England | 1-0 |
2019 | United States | Netherlands | 2-0 |
2015 | United States | Japan | 5-2 |
2011 | Japan | United States | 2-2 AET (3-1 after pen) |
2007 | Germany | Brazil | 2-0 |
2003 | Germany | Sweden | 2-1 (asdet) |
1999 | United States | China | 0-0 AET (5-4 pen) |
1995 | Norway | Germany | 2-0 |
1991 | United States | Norway | 2-1 |
AET = after extra time
asdet = after sudden death extra time (golden goal)
en = penalties
Related Pages
- Winners of the Men's Football World Cup
- Hosts of the Women's World Cup
- Women's World Cup Info

Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- The Future of football is women`s football. EuropaPointFC (2016)
- What country do you think Will win this year, Sheddlie gustave (2017)
- USA of course. And they will play Japan again the dominating teams in the world of womens soccer. JBravo (2018)
- Team USA had a shaky start to the 2015 Women's World Cup, but their best players stepped up and got the job done! Lloyd is one of the best players in Women's soccer today. Michael J. Adinolfe Sr. (2015)
- still cant believe the usa won. Samuel (2015)
- Why? the US has more Finals appearances and more wins than any other team. Your logic makes no sense. JBravo (2018)
- Azkidmd (2015)
Congrats to Carly Lloyd for the first-ever WWC final hat-trick, and congrats to the USWNT on their third World Cup title! Fantastic job, ladies - you are the REAL America's Team!!! - Joanne (2015)
The Barbary Lion is a national animal of England. Lion was the nickname of England's medieval warrior rulers with a reputation for bravery, such as Richard I, known as Richard the Lion heart. Lions are frequently depicted in English heritage, either as a device on shields themselves, or as supporters. They also appear in sculpture, and sites of national importance, such as Trafalgar square. The lion is used as a symbol of English sporting teams, such as the England national cricket team. Also, Kings and Queens from other countries would bring Gifts ( Animals) to the British King, that was a sign of wealth back in those days. And the tower of London had man Lions on show, in cages. - Shuttlecocker (2015)
Great win for our girls yesterday vs the Germans. Lots of attempts from various positions, lots of great saves by both goalies to make for a pretty fast paced attacking game. I think the U.S. took it to them with more possessions and pressured their defense which again wasn't as effective as ours. At the end of the day they looked like they were on their heels, and with the PK going wide uncharacteristically, we had the momentum. On top of that our PK went in and that seemed to deflate them to where we were able to score again not long after. With the momentum on our side, hopefully we can now control play against Japan or England and get the big win.
Go USA! - Doug (2015)
I'm for the sports stuff. And I am glad kids can catch on to this soccer easy enough to stay active throughout their lives. But really....wait all this while to watch 1 goal scored off a head bump. Then rewatch and rewatch and rewatch then commentate for the next ten minutes about how she was able to jump and bang a ball off her head....You want exciting stuff to watch world? Watch American football. Then decide which is more entertaining. But do yer best! - Notfookingtaken Doug (2015)
In US football nothing is happening half of the time. Most of the time it is just fat men bumping into each other. Rather like fat men gay speed dating. - Ty Doug (2015)
Just because you're American does not make American football great. Wait 10 minutes to watch some guy catch a ball? At least soccer has more tactics. It's a more mental approach. Stop judging and go away if you do not care for soccer. THERE'S A REASON IT IS THE MOST POPULAR SPORT IN THE WORLD - Andy Adam ty (2015)
There's no better sport on the planet than soccer. I grew up playing baseball and football. Americans believe our four major sports here are better than anything because they're basically American except for hockey, which of course is last of the 4 typically and it came from Canada. Hockey by the way is 1A or 1, can flip flop with soccer. But because of the 4 majors, soccer hasn't been that big here, too much to compete with. Plus, since there's 45 minutes of non-stop play at a time in soccer, it's not good for commercial television so why would they want to promote it; it's not a money maker because advertisers aren't interested. There's a reason soccer is played in every freakin' country in the world and why people are so passionate about it. And if you follow and understand the game you can have an exciting 0-0 game. I used to think like lots of Americans that soccer was a lot of nothing and not enough scoring. I've just gotten into soccer in the past 7 years with my kids playing. I then started watching Barclays on the weekend and even watching Spanish speaking stations just to watch it. Watch MLS and on rare occasion watch La Liga from Spain with Messi and Rinaldo who are magicians with their feet. It truly is The Beautiful Game. But if it's not your game and you think it's boring, that's totally fine. Long live soccer (futbol) - Doug ty (2015)
You are wrong....everybody on a football line offense and defense has their own particular job to do. If they screw it up, it helps the other team. People get off the delay thing for breaks. We use the bathroom, buy more beers, eat a big juicy pork hotdog and don't have to worry about everyone busting up everything when they lose! - Joe blow Doug (2015)
Soccer dominates the world's attention football which should not be called American football is a little sport that will never reach the real football status. Obviously you live in the states so why not just stick to watching "American football" and don't even bother watching football you will never be able to appreciate the real beauty of the sport with comments like that. Why even waste your time if it frustrates you that much why do waste my time commenting on this lol - JBravo Joe blow (2018)
Joe, to say that football is a little sport shows your ignorance. 120 million people watch the super bowl. 900 million people watch the final world cup match. You are comparing 1 country to the entire world. And yes I am a soccer fan. If that has not reached a real sport status according to your standards then you should broaden your horizons. - Soccersafu Doug (2015)
Obviously you have never played soccer. But that's OK you stick with you football and all of its commercials. Soccer 90 min commercial free sport! - Doug Soccersafu (2015)
That's your deal breaker...commercial breaks. There's more money made on commercial breaks, than the total GNP of alot of nations. Plus Americans like to refresh between ball switches, and penalties, and goals, and half time is a blast. like I said soccer is meant for women, they get my attention. - Batman Doug (2015)
A comparison of the sports in terms of the amount of time an actual play is: american football = 11-13 minutes of play for a 3 hour game. soccer = 60-70 minutes of ball-in-play for a 2 hour game. baseball = 15-18 minutes of play for a 3 hour game. basketball = 45 minutes of ball-in-play for a 2 and a half hour game (a few seconds run off for inbound passes after most scores). hockey = 60 minutes of puck-in-play. I'll admit the action of an american football game is more appealing, but I'd rather watch soccer, hockey or basketball because of how much more play time there is. - Doug batman (2015)
We do it for a party. And do it 16 times a year. The best of the best, and the fittest of the fit. soccer couldn't carry their jock straps. - Saladass Doug (2020)
And what did you guys actually get arguing about this stuff? - Shuttlecocker (2015)
I have really come to respect the women's world cuppers. So much so that I enjoy watching their play as much as the MWC. We have a really good chance of taking it if we stay healthy and injury free. Fingers crossed. Gotta outperform the Germans and others on top of their games. - Donna shuttlecocker (2015)
Go girls go! different games..different pace.. end of story. i know/understand US football better, it's what i grew up with. but ya know what, I love ANY sport that let's the ladies show their talent n abilities have fun & earn a living. so in that arena gotta give soccer props.. but bottom line.. Lov'm both. - Doug Donna (2015)
Agree...women's soccur to watch is exciting if it's our team. I'd never watch another team..but that's just me. And American football I can watch any team but I do have my favorite of course. - Shuttlecocker Donna (2015)
Hey Donna, I take a bow. You've got it spot on, these ladies did go at it and win it all. Title 9 in schools helps spawn great players like these. How about Lloyds hat trick w/three straight goals in a row. That and the fact that we won a record three World Cups is astonishing. Against a field of world class women's Soccer pros on the pitch ready to deny them. This is a very special team and the country needs to celebrate it. - Sang Lê shuttlecocker (2015)
It's not about waiting for wich team to score and how they score but it's every single play, pass, and challenge. Instead of mainly brutal strength, soccer is a sport of personal skills, team work, and level of intelligent that each team member contribute to the game. And most of all " the moments ". It's the beautiful game baby! - Shuttlecocker Sang Lê (2015)
Yes Sang Le you are so right, it's all those special 'moments'. Moments created by each of these integral parts and plays by the skills of each of these players that put their performances on display. It could even end in PK's as someone on the panel suggested. With about 15 mts. to kick off in this semifinal between the top two seeded teams the sheer excitement and electricity is palpable even via the TV. So much conflict between them from past rivalry adds to the flavor of the whole event.
It is indeed the beautiful game. Enjoy!