Shuttle run tests involve repetitive running back and forth, either over the same distance, or with changing distances. There are many shuttle type fitness tests, from short duration high-intensity tests measuring speed and agility, to longer and slower paced tests measuring aerobic fitness (and many in-between). Here is a list of the agility type shuttle tests, conducted over a short distance and short duration.
About Agility Shuttle Tests
Agility shuttle run tests require the participant to run back and forth between lines or markers, as quick as possible. Some tests use a set distance to shuttle between, others may use a ladder shuttle, in which the shuttle distance changes with each run. Two or more trails may be performed, and the quickest time is recorded.
List of Agility Shuttle Tests
- 30 Feet (9.15m) Agility Shuttle Run — run 4 x 30ft, running to collect and return two wooden blocks left at the 30 ft mark.
- 40 Yard Shuttle Run — run 30ft (9.14m) x 4, foot and hand simultaneously touching the floor on or beyond the turn-around line.
- 10 meter Agility Shuttle — run 4x10m, running to collect and return two small wooden blocks.
- 20 yard shuttle test (also called the Pro Agility Shuttle or 5-10-5 Shuttle) - run five yards to the side then runs 10 yards back the other way, then 5 yards back to the starting point (touching the lines with a hand).
- 20 Yard Agility Test — similar to the 20-yard shuttle test, though the lines are touched with the foot.
- Edgren Side-Step Test (and modified version) - sidestepping between lines 12ft apart for 10 seconds.
- Reactive Shuttle Test - a basketball shuttle, running to the side 8 yards, 16 yards back the other way, and then turn again 8 yards back to the start (touching lines with the foot).
Related Pages
- About shuttle type fitness tests
- List of Agility Tests
- About agility fitness testing
- Agility Testing Videos
- Agility also has elements of speed and reaction time: see list of Speed Tests and Reaction Time tests.
- What are the highest ranking sports requiring agility?