The Modified Edgren Side Step Test is a test of side-stepping ability, quickness and agility. This test takes about two seconds to complete the circuit. See the original Edgren Side Step test conducted over 10 seconds.
equipment: flat, non-slip floor, with line markings or cones (can use masking tape), tape measure, stopwatch
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Measure and mark out the test area. Perform an appropriate warm-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.
test setup: Three cones are placed in a line, six feet apart (12 feet total between the two outside cones).
procedure: The starting position is at the centre cone, facing forward with feet straddling the center line. At the command 'go', the participant sidesteps to the right and reaches down and touches the base of the cone. The participant then sidesteps to the left and touches the base of the left cone. The participant then side steps back to the center cone.
scoring: Time how long it takes to complete the shuttle (return to the center line). Timing starts on first movement, and finishes as the foot passes over the center line at the end. An excellent score is less than 2 seconds,
variations: See the original Edgren Side Step test conducted over 10 seconds.
Similar Tests
- See the original Edgren sidestep test
- 1-minute side step test
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