A test of upper body strength endurance is the push-up test, which is commonly conducted over a one minute period. Read a description of a one-minute push-up test. As with many of these world best lists, it is difficult to confirm reports, and the actual technique used is often not documented.

Most Push-ups in 30 seconds
YouTube star Stan Browney claimed a record in 2020 for performing 53 push-ups in 30 seconds, though considering we have people claiming over 150 push-ups in a minute, this seems a little low for the world record. When you watch videos of these attempts, 50 push-ups in 30 seconds using good form seems like about the most you could do.
Swiss athlete Roman Dossenbach achieved 101 pushups in 60 seconds on the pair of knuckles 2007 (and at the 30 second mark achieved 54 pushups).
Most Push-ups per Minute
Wikipedia lists the Croatian Krunoslav Budiselic as a Guinness World Record holder with 140 push-ups in one minute. Glen Tenove claims to have the Guinness World Record for the Most Push Ups in one minute with 152. The recordholders.org website states that record claims up to 199 push-ups in one minute have been made, however they do not continue to publish these record claims because it became impossible to judge about the correctness of the technique of the exercises at this speed.
Most Non-Stop Push-ups
The world record for the most number of non-stop push-ups is 10,507 by Minoru Yoshida of Japan, which was achieved in October 1980, breaking the record of 7,650 by Henry C. Marshal (USA) from 1977. Some time after this record, Guinness stopped recording non-stop push-up records (no rest periods allowed) and instead started recording most push-ups in 24 hours with as many rest periods as they wanted.
Push-Ups in an Hour
The Guinness Book of Records lists the most push-ups in one hour as 2,919 by Jarrad Young of Australia, performed at Matrix Boxing Gym, Queensland, on 19 June 2020.
This beat the previous official Guinness Record of 2,220 by Carlton Williams from Wales UK. The feat was achieved on 25 July 2015 in Margaret River, Western Australia, breaking his own previous record of 1,874 push-ups in an hour.
Here are some other random push-ups in an hour achievements I have discovered online. The numbers vary considerably, suggesting that various techniques have been used.
- Swiss athlete Roman Dossenbach achieved 1792 repetitions in one hour. The record has since been broken by 2 athletes. It now stands at 2180 (personal communication from Dossenbach)
- Bijender Singh of India achieved 3,877 push-ups in one hour (average of 64.6 per minute) on 20 Sept 1988.
- Ged Musto recorded 2,467 press ups in one hour in 1995.
- Canadian Doug Prud did 1781 push-ups in one hour in 2005.
- Hooman Mosleh did 1020 push-ups in an hour (and 2000 in 2 hrs) which he believes is the most in the US (see comments below)
Push-Ups in 24 Hours
Charles Servizio of the US achieved 46,001 push-ups in 24 hours on 24/25 April 1993 at Hesperia. He actually stopped at 21 hrs and 21 minutes, resulting in an average of 36 push-ups per minute. See video of his 24hr push-up record.
Related Pages
- Procedure for push-up testing, plus procedure for the maximum push-up test
- More Fitness Testing Records and other Sporting Records
- Who is the World's Greatest Athlete?
- More Records? I scan the Internet for the latest athlete results. If you know of something I have missed, it would be great to hear from you.

Selected Comments
- I did 174 push ups in one minute in 2006. And 2000 push ups in 90 minutes at the age of 30, 15 years ago (from Sebastian Wielogorski, Nov 2021)
- I'm 65 and can do 66 in a minute, I have to pause at about 55, that's about the 45 second mark, rest for 3-4 seconds and finish. My best was 69 but it's almost always 64-66. I did 68 this morning. I just started doing them about 6 months ago. (from John, Nov 2021)
- I did 100,000 pushups in 282 days for a cure against cancer - I do not know if it is a record (Koen Janssens, Feb 2021)
- My best is 64 push-ups I did it at home but it's more of a muscular endurance than muscular strength for me. Star-Lord (2015)
- Nice to see someone reporting a genuine result instead of all these unbelievable boasts from these guys who are clearly not ensuring proper form and depth. I have just started trying to do AMRAPs on push ups. At my second attempt, at the age of 58, I have managed 60. Will be interesting to see what I can get to. Phil Cunningham Star-Lord (2016)
- I'm trying to do more than 50 (from Danmansonman Phil Cunningham, 2020)
- 77 right here.. arms turned to acid.. wanted 80 so bad (from Zachary Hunter Danmansonman, 2020)
- For 30 years until age 52 I averaged 1000 push ups every other day - all within one hour
This was done in sets of 100 with 3-4 minute rest. Unable to continue due to declining health Cogitoman (2014) - That's impressive. What do you think the world record would be approximately for consecutive full-range pushups without rest? Jim Thompson Cogitoman (2020)
- The guy in the world record video did not do one legitimate full push-up. At age 63 I did 52 wide push-ups in 30 seconds from touching the floor to full extention. I broke my life time bench press record the same day. Doug hartz (2020)
- I did 1505 in 43 min s then i got bored (The hipe, 2016)
- Cecil James Riggles Jr. (2020)
Last summer I challenged myself and did 10000 push up's in 8 days. Lol - Jaymey (2020)
170 in a row is my best 5.5 years ago. It probably took more than a minute though. - Atul Patra (2020)
I was only able to do 25 how do i increase my number, does hypertrophy training help ?? - Jameso (2020)
Hello: Does anyone know of any national or international competitions for various sorts of pushups that include "seniors" (as I will be 70, and can do 74 consecutive pushups at present in under a minute; I know not great, but not bad.)? Any world records documents for seniors, anyone? I find nothing after hours researching online. Thanks! - Rickramchand (2020)
I did 9 or 10 sets of 15 pushups regular and 2 sets of 20 today because I had to skip gym day today sadly due to errands and job searching. I find regular better the diamond pushups hurts the palms. - Acnologia (2019)
I've only managed to get 40 consecutive. But considering only 10 weeks ago I could only get 5 It's pretty good. Now I only need to get to 10,000 as my goal - Gino Spinazzola (2019)
Congratulations to everyone who is doing some type of exercise. I am a 63 year old man from Halifax Nova Scotia Canada. I do a variation of exercises including pushups. I do both fast, medium and slow pushups. I did 109 knuckle pushups in one minute on a hardwood floor no mat. I did 121 regular pushups in one minute. - 15 slow pushups that take two minutes to complete. A one pushup exercise that is one minute down and one minute up. Finally, 1058 in one hour and 500 in 25 minutes. I am not an athlete; just an older guy trying to stay fit and have fun by challenging myself. I encourage people to take advantage of the many benefits of exercise; whatever type you do.
- Tim (2019)
2013 I did 91 quality pushups in one minute at 54 (53, 9 months) years old, at Frestyle Fighting Academy in Miami Florida. A month later I was injured and bed ridden for a couple years and lazy after that. Well no longer! I'm coming back and I'm going for 88 diamond pushups in 1 minute and 99 knuckle pushups in a minute. Not on the same day. I'll be 59yrs 9months, for certain sports and life insurance it's 60 years old, I'm going to get strong again. Wish me luck!
Thank you. - Steve Fuller (2017)
I have a friend who turned 83 recently and did 830 pushups in about an hour an a half. Is there a record for people of this age doing pushups? - Sumit Chauhan (2017)
I can do 1800 push ups in 1 hour - Jaymey Sumit Chauhan (2020)
I tried to get 1,000 in 30 minutes but failed. The quickest I did it was 35. - Çağdaş Karabenli (2017)
i did 528 one arm push ups a day - Mark (2016)
Answer: " What are push-ups " ? (Episode aired Friday June 24th, 2016) - Rob Admin Mark (2016)
Thanks for the info, I have updated the page - Jacob Michael Drollinger (2016)
I did 1000 push-ups in 48 min. And I have Parkinson's syndrome! - Jaymey Jacob Michael Drollinger (2020)
1,000 in 35 minutes is the best i've done. i should try for 30 minutes again. I failed a couple times trying. - Done my Best of 46.25 sec in 85 counts :) Muraliaerospace (2015)
- Austin Simon Jr. (2015)
I DONE ONE HUNDRED PUSH UPS IN THREE MINUTES. ONLY ONE MINUTE BREAKS AND ALL TOGETHER 536 non stop push ups. Not condition at all.. - Brad Hoffman (2015)
Lay a Coco-Cola can down sideways under your chest position and your chest must touch the Coke-can each push-up, At my best I was able to register 72 push-ups in one minute! This is the best to measure ! - Rhyleigh Brad Hoffman (2015)
I'm 13 and can do 85 in 1 minute with someone's hand laying flat under my chest and going all the way down and all the way up - Mark rhyleigh (2016)
age doesnt matter when i was 12 i was able to do 3 times more than you and i guess people younger than me at that moment and now could do more of they will to - Bob mark (2019)
Nice you hold the world record for push-ups in a minute I guess, since you claim to be able to do 255 pushups in a minute - Bern-z (2013)
Are there Push Up contests for men in the fifties? - Priyvrat Dubey (2020)
I have the 2000 pushups complete in 30 min... - Blind Freddy (2020)
Do you all realise that how many pushups you is a really sad, loser's way to value yourself? You all compete and one-up over something that is COMPLETELY USELESS. Find some way of being better that means real progress.- Larry Hamm Blind Freddy (2020)
Hey Freddie, are you concerned about proper life evaluations? Look inward. Try to evaluate why you need to crush others. Maybe you need to find a better way to evaluate yourself. Try reflection.
- Larry Hamm Blind Freddy (2020)
- Graham Blind Freddy (2020)
Pushups are progress, they're a physical endurance and strength task. Just because you can't do that many doesn't mean we should stop ourselves. - BaN (2020)
so i did 120 push ups and i came to compare lmao dissapointeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed - Bedu kumar (2020)
Kuldeep Arya has the world record of maximum non stop push ups in 10 hrs .he did 25000 push ups yes 25000 . He is the student of gurukulam . where he learned yoga and Ayurveda . - Hooman Mosleh (2014)
i can do 100 push up in 35 sec