There has not been a lot of scientific research related to tenpin bowling. Here is some information about published articles that I have come across. Where available, there is a link to an abstract or summary of the research study results.
- Benedict Tan, Abdul Rashid Aziz, Teh Kong Chuan, Correlations Between Physiological Parameters and Performance in Elite Ten-Pin Bowlers, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports 3: 176-185, 2000
- Benedict Tan, Abdul Rashid Aziz, Teh Kong Chuan, Lee Hong Choo, The Bowling Grip Strength Test: A New and Reliable Test for Ten-Pin Bowlers, Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 41: 68-72, 2001
- Wood, R. J. (2000) Physiological and performance measures during a simulated tenpin bowling tournament and their relationship to fitness. Unpublished research
- Curtis, J.M., Elnora and Darwood. (1951). The relationship of strength of selected muscle groups to performance in bowling. Unpublished Masters Thesis, University of Wisconsin.
- Greenlee, G.A. (1960). The relationship of selected measures of strength, balance and kinesthesis to bowling performance. Thesis (M.A.), University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore, 2 microfiche.
- Sabol, B. (1963). A study of relationships among anthropometric, strength and performance measures of college women bowlers. Thesis (M.A.), University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore, 3 microfiche.
- Widule, C.J. (1967). A study of anthropometric, strength and performance characteristics of men and women league bowlers. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore, 6 microfiche.
- Murtagh, J. Tenpin bowler's thumb. Aust Fam Physician. 1990 Oct;19(10):1587.
- Kisner WH, Thumb neuroma: a hazard of ten pin bowling, Br J Plast Surg. 1976 Jul; 29(3): 225-6.
- Dobyns JH, O'Brien ET, Linscheid RL, Farrow GM. Bowler's thumb: diagnosis and treatment. A review of seventeen cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1972 Jun;54(4):751-5.
- Carmichael KD, Stewart D Jr. Bowling injuries in children, Am J Orthop. 2004 Feb;33(2):93-5, 58
- DeBenedette, V. (1991). Exercise that’ll bowl you over. The Physician and Sports Medicine 19(3):180-184.
- Duda, M. (1988). Pinning Down Bowling Injuries. The Physician and Sports Medicine 16(4):173-180.
- Thomas PR, Schlinker PJ, Over R. Psychological and psychomotor skills associated with prowess at ten-pin bowling, J Sports Sci. 1996 Jun;14(3):255-68.
- Newton, M. & Duda, J.L. (1993). The relationship of task and ego orientation to performance-cognitive content, affect, and attributions in bowling. Journal of Sport Behavior16(4):209-220.
- The Science of Tenpin Bowling Journal: a proposal for a new and exciting journal specifically for tenpin bowling. This article inclludes some research ideas for tenpin bowling.
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