The new sport of Funnyball was created by Alexandre Nshimirimana from Burundi in 2018. The sport has the nickname of FOOTA (FOOTBALL OF Alexandre) .
Funnyball is a team sport played with hands and legs, with double goals at each side of the pitch. In one goal a player may score three goals at one time or one for the opponent team. All parts of the body play except the head. Even the goalkeeper can score.
There is a similar new sport, 4D Soccer, which also has a similar field with goals on each side. See also the unusual sport of Three-Sided Football.
Equipment Required: Courts ; stadiums ; sportshoes ; long sleeved and tight t-shirts ; adapted shorts ; handglooves ; goals ; nets ; specific ball ; leg protections ; knee protections ; gloves for goalkeepers.
Sport Description
It is the funny and quick team sport of hands and legs (HANDLEG) in general and of the whole human body parts in particular except the head.
The pitch
The square of eighty meters each side
The pitch (court) organization: Two superposed goals at each side : the interior goal : 3 m large on 2m height with its goal mouth of 3m on 5m ; it is the interior goal mouth; the exterior goal : 5m large on 3m height with its exterior goal mouth of 11m on 9m.
The five meters square everywhere where two sides get joined; it is a freedom zone included all goal mouths.
How two teams share the pitch: the first team occupies two goals: the one on WEST side (WG) and the other on the NORTH side (NG). The second team occupies the SOUTH goal (SG) and the EAST goal (EG).
Time: 60 minutes and the pause of 10 minutes after the first halftime
Each team: Eight players
Players; numbers in the pitch: from one to eight.
How to play:
- The leg kicks the ball which is on the soil only and for the air ball ; it only slow downs except in the freedom zones or when the ball has passed there
- The hand kicks the air ball while jumped ; one time for each team before the ball falls on the soil; it can be the handkick or the anti handkick
- Who receives a soil pass never soilpass or crosspass ; they only airpass for handkicks
- Ten lost hand kicks equal a punishment at 9m and five anti handkicks equal the same punishment
- For high speed while running ; no tackles ; no handpush or handhold against the opponent player
- Each fault is punished and its author must eight run around and return in the match ; except the goalkeeper.
- The slight fault is yellow card and the dangerous fault is reg card ; 5 yellow cards result the red one which causes four matches absence
- Trilogy anti defensive game:Four trilogies equal the punishment at 9m
- To restart the game if the ball outsides; they depose it on the sideline where it has passed to outside and airkick with leg for airkick.
How to score:
- To score in the inside opponent goal is to win three goals at one time but the goalkeeper wins one goal
- In the exterior one; it is to selfscore one goal in the opponent team favor
- A goalkeeper catches the ball from his opponent ; He runs with the ball in hands against 16 seconds to goalkick in His forward opponent gaol
- In the inside goal; He scores one goal; in the intergoal ; exterior goal ; he selfscores one goal which is gained by his opponent team
- The hand or arm scores ten goals at one time and selfscores two goals at one time
- The possible replacement: Three players for each team
Related Pages
- See other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports