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Ski Jumping

Ski jumping is a form of skiing in which an athlete will take off a ramp and jump as high and far as possible. Winning the competition involves displaying the best style and reaching the farthest distance. The sport has four parts: in-run, take-off, flight, and landing. Ski athletes from different parts of the world compete in the Winter Olympic Games.

This sport started in Norway when a Norwegian lieutenant named Olay Rye showcased himself flying 9.5 meters. Now, after two centuries, the sport has developed into a popular Winter Olympic sport.

ski jump eventski jump event

Athletes take off from three different types of hills. They have different calculation lines and different maximum landing distances. First, in the normal hill competitions the athletes may reach a distance of over 110 meters. In the large hill competitions, jump may reach over 145 meters. And lastly, the ski-flying competitions in which you may reach a distance of over 186 meters.

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