Sculling is a form of rowing, a competitive sport in which a person uses oars, one in each hand, to propel a boat. It is a kind of rowing boat that is long and narrow. It usually has a fin on the front part to avoid rolling and yawing.
The number of rowers on a scull boat can range from one (single scull) up to eight (octuple scull).
The scull boats can be made of wood or carbon-fiber reinforced material, which is more popular nowadays. This sport is also recognized by the International Rowing Federation and Olympics.

The standard weight for the single scull is 14kg and the average length is 8.2m.
Similar Sports
- Sweep Rowing — each rower has just one oar which is maneuvered with both hands to propel the boat.
- Indoor Rowing — competitions performed on a rowing machine that simulates the on water action.
- Surfboat Rowing — a team of riders compete using surfboats on a course out and back through the ocean surf.
Related Pages
- About the types of Rowing — a sport in which competitors propel a boat using oars.
- About Paddling Sports
- 2000m Rowing Ergo Fitness Test
- Complete list of sports
- The Encyclopedia of Sports — a list of every sport from around the world.