Middle distance races are part of the track and field discipline, usually the 800m and 1500m races, though it encompasses all track running races from 800m up to 3km such as the mile. Any longer races on the track as referred to as long-distance races, which comprises of all running races of distances from 3km up including the steeplechase.

The 800m runners start the race in lanes, though they merge together after about 100m to run along the inside of the track. Longer middle distance races such as the 1500m and mile races start with the runners spread across the track in a line and they immediately race to the inside of the track. As the runners are not restricted to run in their own lane, it enables more jockeying for position and for tactics to play a part, making for exciting finishes to races.
Similar Sports
- Steeplechase — an athletics distance track running event with barriers and water jumps.
- Marathon — a distance running athletics event over 42.2 km.
- Racerunning — a track and field racing sport for disabled athletes, in which they use a specially designed tricycle.
- Ultramarathon — very long-distance endurance events, ranging from greater than Marathon distance to several days. Ultramarathons can either cover a specified distance, or take place during a specified time frame, with the winner covering the most distance in that time.
- Cross-Country Running — individuals or teams run races which involve courses over natural terrain.
- Fell Running — running and racing done off-road or on any over upland country, with a significant hill component.
- Running (general)
Related Pages
- Complete list of sports
- The Encyclopedia of Sports — a list of every sport from around the world.