There are millions of people addicted to golf.
Why? Golf can be played on a beautiful course with as many people as you like, and in very pleasant weather. Golf is very gentle on your body, and is truly the sport of a lifetime.
Golf has many physical benefits and is a very efficient way to stay in shape, and has many physical benefits. With golf, you will get the most out of a round if you walk the course; this will also burn a number of calories and improve your cardiovascular health.
Carrying your clubs will strengthen your upper body and actually
hitting the ball improves your hand to eye coordination.
Golf can be played by yourself or with as many friends as you like. You can also chat and visit between each hole while you are waiting on others to finish their holes. Or if you enjoy playing by yourself, you can enjoy the great outdoors, at your own pace.
Professional golfers make the game look easy. Their swing seems as fluid and effortless as running water, and they look as thought they are on a leisurely stroll as they pound drives more than 300 yards and hit high soft iron shots. The truth is they young professionals are strong and fit enough to make a complicated athletic move look simple.
Few amateurs can devote that amount of time, energy, and money to their golf games, but that shouldn't stop them from making positive changes in their games by improving their strength and conditioning. Golf is a game of balance, discipline, and touch.
Enhancing and improving those specific shills, requires a balanced regimen with four important components: strength, flexibility, endurance, and diet. See fitness for golf.
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