Controlling Body Temperature
The human body very effectively maintains its core temperature within very narrow limits, as the cells of the body need to be within a certain temperature range for them to function properly. When we are exposed to extreme cold and heat, or when exercising, we may place high demands on the body to lose or gain body heat, in order to maintain core body temperature.

Measuring Environmental Conditions
- The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) — description of a composite temperature measurement used to estimate the effect of temperature, humidity and solar radiation on humans.
- Temperature Ratings — scale for ratings of feeling hot or cold.
Measuring Body Temperature
- Measuring Core Temperature — a key to understanding the effect of environmental conditions on the body is measuring core or internal body temperature.
Exercise in the Heat Articles
- Hydration and Heat Management for Cricket
- Some Like it Hot: but not when you are exercising!
- Exercising In The Heat — a great checklist of what to do and what not to do
- Keep cool with these Water Workouts
Exercise in the Cold Articles
Related Pages
- Beach Exercises List
- The Australian Open Tennis Heat Policy
- Hydration and Exercise
- Pre-game hydration status of athletes competing at the 2001 Arafura games in Darwin
