Equipment Required: a single dumbbell, flat bench
- Start by standing next to a flat bench and position the left knee on the bench with the dumbbell in the right hand.
- Bend forward from the hips, and place the left hand on the bench.
- Bend so that your upper body is parallel to the floor and the head facing down.
- The right hand with the dumbbell should hang straight down with the palm facing the bench.
- Keeping the arm close to the side of your body, pull the dumbbell up to your side.
- After a pause, lower the weight back to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement until the set is finished.
- Switch arms and repeat.
Key points to remember
- When pulling up point the elbow towards the ceiling.
- Keep the abdominals tight and the lower back in a neutral position
- The movement should be performed in a slow and controlled manner
Related Pages
- More Dumbbell Exercises
- Free weights for sale in the fitness store
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