The Push-Up With Rotation exercise is an extension of the standard push-up exercise involving lifting one arm off the ground and turning the body. This exercise is part of the 7-minute workout.
Equipment Required: none
- Start in a standard push-up position, with the weight on the hands and toes.
- Bend the arms to lower the chest to the floor as per a standard push-up.
- As you push back up, shift your weight onto one side.
- Rotate your upper body and extend your arm straight up toward the ceiling.
- Return to your starting position, then repeat with opposite side.
- Repeat for the desired number of repetitions or for a set time period (for the the 7-minute workout you do 30 seconds of these push-ups).
Key points to remember
- Continue in a nice fluid motion.
- Increase or decrease the intensity by changing the number of repetition or the tempo
Related Pages
- See the general push-up description
- The 7-minute workout
- body weight exercises
- More of fitness at home
- Push up fitness tests, including a Simple Push-Up Fitness Test that can be done at home
- World Records for Push Ups
- Similar exercises: push-up, incline push-up, wall press