Visitors to this website have voted as to which factors of success are most important for a large number of sports (ESPN did a similar thing too, which we expanded upon).
We have created top-10 lists for each of the factors, listed below. The ratings are still being recorded (latest update July 2018) - therefore the list order may change over time.
You can add your own rating for sports. See also the ranking of sports based on a few of the sports athleticism factors.
- Aerobic Endurance — which sports require the greatest aerobic fitness?
- Strength & Power — which sports require strength the most?
- Speed
- Flexibility
- Agility
- Balance and Coordination — the ability to stay upright or stay in control of body movement.
- Body Composition — the distribution of muscle and fat, and body size such as height, lengths and girths.
- Reaction Time — the ability to respond quickly to a stimulus.
- Analytic and Tactical Ability — the ability of the mental system to evaluate and react to strategic situations (tactical ability).
- Motivation and Self Confidence— requires a motivated and focused athlete, with a level of belief in themselves.
- Coping with Pressure — the ability to stay focused and perform up to expectations while under increasing pressure.
- Skill and Technique — the specific skill set and technique required to be successful in a particular sport.
Related Pages
- Sporting components of athleticism
- A discussion about the Components of Fitness
- What is the Fittest Sport?
- Fitness for Sports
- Sport Specific Fitness Testing