The pinnacle of the sport of Rugby, the Rugby World Cup, is an international rugby union competition played every four years. The next men's Rugby World Cup, the 10th to be held, is being held in France. The next women's Rugby World Cup will be played in England in 2025.
The Rugby World Cup was first held in 1987. The event is organized by the International Rugby Board (IRB), the sport's governing body, and contested by the men's national teams that go through qualifying matches to reach the final 20 teams in the finals.

Men's World Cup Details
- List of host countries
- Cup History
- Cup Trivia and Firsts
- List of Winners
More Information
- Information about the Trophy that is awarded.
- Buy books about the World Cup.
- Ticketing Information.
- There is also a Women's World Cup of Rugby.
Related Pages
- Other International Rugby Events
- Rugby Union Calendar
- Learn more about the sport of Rugby.
- Read about other major world sporting events.