Fitness testing is commonly conducted on new recruits for police forces and similar law enforcement departments, and also sometimes conducted at regular intervals once personal have been employed. The tests that are conducted vary greatly between departments, as do the minimum standards required.
While the requirements may vary from state to state and agency to agency, in addition to the fitness assessment, the typical basic requirements for recruitment include applicants being U.S. citizens, minimum and maximum ages, a minimum educational level, holding a valid drivers license. Just the different fitness level requirements are discussed here.
What are the tests performed?
Below are some examples of fitness tests performed around the world from different departments, as found on the internet or submitted by others. Please note that not all the details have been checked, and some may be out of date, but they give you an idea of what tests are done currently or have been performed in the past. If you have any examples you would like added to this list, please contact me.

Testing for Law Enforcement Agencies
Other Countries:
Example of Job Specific Testing
Below is a description of test received by e-mail in June 2011, and a good example of a job specific test. See our discussion and criticisms of workplace assessments for more information.
The Physical Agility Test is used for Criminal Justice Standards (location unknown). The test involves starting from behind the wheel belted in car hands on wheel at 10/2, unbuckling seat belt, opening glove box removing flashlight baton and revolver, taking them to trunk, locking revolver in trunk, setting down baton and reaching left hand around back to right hip removing flag and same with right hand to left hip flag, grab baton and running 220 yards, going over a 4' wall, zig-zag around 3 cones, jumping over 3, then crawling under 3 poles 30" high, running 50', dragging 150 lb dummy 50', running another 220 yds back to car, going into trunk to get gun, pulling the trigger on a revolver 5 times w/ both hands, getting back in car, belted in drivers seat with hands at 10 and 2. All in under 6 min. 4 sec. good time is 3 1/2 min. Another test is to go from one line then to a line 10 - 25' or yds. then back to the 1st line, then back as many times in one minute. 10 round trips show fitness.
Related Pages
- Fitness testing for Navy, Army, Air Force, Fire Department, and general forces tests.
- Poll: Should women have the same fitness testing standards as men?
- See the video of NY Police Force Agility testing and all videos of forces fitness testing