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2-Minute Step in Place Test

The 2-Minute Step in Place test is part of the Senior Fitness Test Protocol, and is designed to test the functional fitness of seniors. This test is performed as an alternative to the 6-minute walk test for people who use orthopedic devices when walking, as well as in the case of people who have difficulty balancing.

test purpose: This test measures aerobic endurance.

equipment required: tape for marking the wall, stopwatch, wall.

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. See more details of pre-test procedures.

procedure: The subject stands up straight next to the wall while a mark is placed on the wall at the level corresponding to midway between the patella (knee cap) and illiac crest (top of the hip bone). The subject then marches in place for two minutes, lifting the knees to the height of the mark on the wall. Resting is allowed, and holding onto the wall or a stable chair is allowed. Stop after two minutes of stepping.

scoring: Record the total number of times the right knee reaches the tape level in two minutes. Below is a table showing the recommended ranges for this test based on age groups (from Jones & Rikli, 2002).

Men’s Results

Age below average average above average
60-64 < 87 87 to 115 > 115
65-69 < 87 86 to 116 > 116
70-74 < 80 80 to 110 > 110
75-79 < 73 73 to 109 > 109
80-84 < 71 71 to 103 > 103
85-89 < 59 59 to 91 > 91
90-94 < 52 52 to 86 > 86

Women’s Results

Age below average average above average
60-64 < 75 75 to 107 > 107
65-69 < 73 73 to 107 > 107
70-74 < 68 68 to 101 > 101
75-79 < 68 68 to 100 > 100
80-84 < 60 60 to 91 > 91
85-89 < 55 55 to 85 > 85
90-94 < 44 44 to 72 > 72

target population: the aged population which may not be able to do traditional fitness tests.

advantages: this is a simple test to conduct requiring minimal equipment.

disadvantages: not suitable for those with a moderate and greater degree of fitness

other comments: If the subject loses balance, they can place their hand on the wall, a table or chair.


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