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Block Transfer Test

The Block Transfer Test is a manual dexterity test or coordination test of fine motor abilities. This test is part of the protocol for the Groningen Fitness Test for the Elderly, and is derived from the Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test (American Guidance Service, 1969).

test purpose: to measure manual dexterity

equipment required: two boards (56.5 x 23 x 2.4 cm), each punctuated with 40 holes (diameter 4 cm, depth 1.1 cm), and 40 blocks (diameter 3.5 cm, height 2.2 cm).

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Perform an appropriate warm-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.

procedure: The participant begins by sitting at a table with the two boards in front of them. Timing begins when the participant starts to move the 40 blocks from the first board to the second board, which is linked to the first board and farther away. The blocks must be moved in a prescribed sequence as quickly as possible using the preferred hand. The participant should practice with five blocks prior to the trial.

scoring: the time (in seconds) to complete the task is recorded

disadvantages: the blocks specifically for this test needs to be obtained

target population: this test was designed specifically for the elderly population.

comments: One or more practice trials should be conducted to avoid a learning effect.


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