The Wingate Arm Crank Test (Upper-Body Wingate Anaerobic Test) is an upper body version of the popular 30 second Wingate Cycle Test. There is a similar Arm Crank Ergometer Test with 2 x 15-second intervals.
test purpose: to measure measure upper body strength and power
equipment required: stopwatch, arm cranking ergometer with adjustable cranks and braking load (these are not commonly available. You can modify a cycle setup with SRM power crankset)
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Ensure that the subject is adequately warmed-up. Calibrate and adjust the ergometer. See more details of pre-test procedures.
equipment preparation: It is important to have the arm crank setup to best suit the athlete. The height of the arm ergometer's central axis and crank-arm length should be adjusted to optimal lengths. It is also important to set the optimal resistance load setting to achieve the maximum power output. The optimal load will depend on the training status and gender of the participants (Forbes et al., 2014). These details should be recorded with the results.

procedure: The subject sits comfortably in front of the arm crank ergometer. The subject is instructed to crank as fast as possible at maximum speed for 30 seconds. It is important that they do not adopt any pacing strategies and crank maximally with each revolution.
scoring: Peak and average upper body power are recorded. Peak power (Watts) is typically acquired within the first three to five seconds of work. These scores can also be divided by body weight to determine relative scores. A fatigue Index is often calculated too, from the percentage of power output reduction throughout the test.
target population: this test is suitable for boxers and other sports that require good upper body strength and power. It can also be used for the anaerobic assessment of wheelchair athletes.
comments: Strong verbal encouragement will help the subject achieve their maximal score.
- Forbes SC, Kennedy MD, Boule NB, Bell G. Determination of the optimal load setting for arm crank anaerobic testing in men and women. Int J Sports Med. 2014 Sep;35(10):835-9. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1368789. Epub 2014 Apr 15.
Similar Tests
- Arm Crank Ergometer Test with 2 x 15-second intervals.
- Wingate Test — 30 seconds maximal cycle ergometer test.
- Quick Strike Test — punching bag test.
Related Pages
- See the list of anaerobic fitness tests
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- fitness testing for boxing