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Lane Agility Drill

The Lane Agility Drill is a test of agility in the basketball player. The running course is set up around the basketball key. This test is part of the fitness testing battery for the SPARQ basketball and NBA Combine, and their protocol is listed here.

test purpose: this is a test of speed, body control and the ability to change direction (agility).

equipment required: stopwatch or timing gates, measuring tape, 6 marker cones, a basketball court.

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Measure and mark out the course. Ensure that the participants are adequately warmed-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.

test layout: Set up the cones as illustrated in the diagram. The test is based on the pro-sized foul lane (16’ wide x 19’ deep). If using a High School sized court (lane width is only 12 feet) or other non-standard court dimensions, the markers may need to set outside the lane markings.

Basketball Agility Drillprocedure: Start with one foot behind the start line, no rocking movement allowed. Hand timing starts from first movement from the set position. Run forwards to the baseline. At the cone, change movement to a side shuffle, and move sideways to the right across the baseline. At the next cone back pedal up the lane to the foul line, then side shuffle left back towards the start line. Here the subject touches the floor at a point even with the starting cone, then reverses direction to return back around the course to complete another revolution. First side shuffle right, forward sprint, side shuffle left then back pedal to complete the test. Remain facing forwards towards the baseline throughout the test. Two trials are allowed.

scoring: Record the best time to complete the test in seconds to the nearest two decimal places. A foul includes moving or knocking down a cone, cutting a corner of the drill, sprinting sideways instead of defensive-shuffling, crossing your feet, not touching the change-of-direction line, or falling down. The table below lists expected score ranges for players of different positions.

position males females
guards 10.2 - 10.9 13.0 - 14.5
forwards 11.0 - 11.4 14.6 - 15.5
centers 11.5 - 12.3 14.6 - 15.5

target population: basketball players

comments: Turning technique and coordination is also a large factor in the performance of this test. No crossing of feet is allowed during the side shuffle.

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