The 505 Agility test is a test of 180 degree turning ability. The test may also be adapted for sport specific testing by having the subject dribble a soccer ball or hockey ball though the course, or bounce a basketball.
equipment required: start/stop timing gates or stopwatch, non-slip running surface, cone markers.
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Measure and mark out the course. Set up and test the timing gates. Ensure that the participants are adequately warmed-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.
test layout: Markers are set up 5 and 15 meters from a line marked on the ground as shown in the diagram.
procedure: The athlete runs from the 15 meter marker towards the line (the run in distance is to build up speed) and through the 5 m markers, turns on the line and runs back through the 5 m markers. The time is recorded from when the athletes first runs through the 5 meter marker, and stopped when they return through these markers (that is, the time taken to cover the 5 m up and back distance - 10 m total). The best of two trails is recorded. The turning ability on each leg should be tested. The subject should be encouraged to not overstep the line by too much, as this will increase their time. (see video).
scoring: record the best time for turning on each side, and also the average of both. The change of direction deficit can also be calculated by dividing the 505 time by the straight line 10m sprint time.
advantages: it is an accurate and simple test of agility.
disadvantages: the 505 agility test is time consuming to test large groups, and expensive as you need to purchase timing gates (though the less accurate hand timing with a stopwatch is possible)
comments: This is a test of 180 degree turning ability. This ability may not be applicable to some sports.
reference: Draper, J. A., & Lancaster, M. G. (1985). The 505 test: A test for agility in the horizontal plane. Australian Journal for Science and Medicine in Sport, 17(1), 15 18.
Similar Tests
- Run-a-Three — a cricket speed and agility test, involving sprinting over a cricket pitch distance three times while carrying a bat.
- FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA) Test — forwards and sideways running over 8-10 meters.
Related Pages
- See video of the 505 agility test
- See also: other tests of agility