The Cooper 2.4 km (1.5 mile) run test is a simple running test of aerobic fitness, requiring only a stopwatch and running track. This is an alternative to the Cooper 12-min run test. There is another 1.5 mile run test that forms part of the Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT).
test purpose: This test measures aerobic fitness.
equipment required: 2.4 km flat and hard running course, stopwatch, recording sheets.
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender and test conditions. Measure and mark out the course using cones. See more details of pre-test procedures.

procedure: The aim of this test is to complete the 2.4 km course in the shortest possible time. At the start, all participants line up behind the starting line. On the command ‘go,’ the clock is started and they begin running at their own pace. Although walking is allowed, it is strongly discouraged. A cool down walk should be performed at the completion of the test.
scoring: The total time to complete the course is recorded.
norms: here are some classifications of cardiovascular fitness for the cooper 1.5 mile run test for males and females aged 20-29 years. original source unknown.
rating | Males | Females |
Very poor | > 16:01 | > 19:01 |
Poor | 16:00-14:01 | 19:00-18:31 |
Fair | 14:00-12:01 | 18:30-15:55 |
Good | 12:00-10:46 | 15:54-13:31 |
Excellent | 10:45-9:45 | 13:30-12:30 |
Superior | < 9:44 | < 12:29 |
calculations: here is an equation to predict VO2max from the 1.5 mile run time, where the VO2max units is, and time in minutes.
VO2max = (483 / time) + 3.5
uses: The Football Association of Singapore has adopted the 2.4km run as its mandatory fitness test from 2013 instead of the beep test. This test is also part of the US secret service and FBI assessment tests. The US Navy also have a 1.5 mile run test as part of the Navy Physical Readiness Test.
comments: Singapore S-League players have to meet the pass mark of 10min 15sec for this test in order to play. Those who run below 9 min will get a $100 cash reward while players who run faster than 8min 30sec will get $200 (current 2014). Players who fail to meet the passing mark can retake the test as often as they want.
The Test in Action
- Another 1.5 mile run test forms part of the Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT)
Similar Tests
- Cooper 12 minute test — cover as much distance as you can in 12 minutes.
- 2km run test — run 2km as fast as you can.
- 1.5 mile run test (PRT) — run 1.5miles as fast as you can.
Related Pages
- General Walk / Run tests
- See the comparison page for an overview of the walk and run tests.
- Other aerobic tests