The anthropometric measures of body size is an important component in the assessment of athletes. Body size tests include girths (circumference), lengths and widths (breadths). For information about which tests to use, see the page about body size testing.
Tests of Girths
- Head
- Neck
- Arm-relaxed
- Arm-flexed
- Forearm
- Wrist
- Chest
- Shoulder
- Waist
- Hip
- Thigh (gluteal)
- Thigh (mid)
- Calf
- Ankle
Tests of Lengths
Tests of Breadths
- Biacromial (Shoulder Width)
Tests of Volume / Mass
Related Pages
- A discussion about Body Size Testing
- Height Prediction Calculations
- Measuring peak height velocity
- Anthropometric Charts
- Measuring Somatotype
- Using the MyoTape for girth measurement
- About Anthropometry
- Height and Weight Growth Charts
- Videos of Anthropometric Tests
- Calculating Ideal Weight
- Records for the extremes of height and weight.