The vertical jump is commonly used to measure explosive leg power. The most common way to measure vertical jump height is to directly measure the height jumped against a wall, or indirectly by calculating the jump time using a timing mat or light sensors. Less commonly, a video can be used to measure vertical jump height. This article will describe how to use a calibration scale on the video to measure the jump height. It is also possible to use video to calculate jump height using timings from video recordings. Alternatively, some of these video analysis products may be able to do these calculations for you.
Equipment Required
- Video camera capable of high quality video recording
- Large screen for video playback
- A yardstick or 1 meter ruler
- Smaller ruler or measuring tape
- Set up the camera on a tripod, at least several meters away from the subject.
- You will need to place in the view of the video a standard distance measure for calibration, placed in the same plane as the object being measured, such as a measurement stick (e.g. yardstick) that you hold up in the video frame.
- Place a marker on the body of the subject that you use to measure the jump height. This is commonly placed at the hip area.
- Record the subject performing a vertical jump.
- Calibrate for distance by determining the length of the calibration measure on the screen. It is just like using a scale measure on a map. If a three foot (36 inches) distance is one inch on the screen, the calibration ratio is 1:36. Everything in the same plane as the calibration measure will be 36 times bigger than what you can measure on the screen.
- Now simply measure how far the marker moves on the screen, and multiply that by the calibration ratio.
How to ensure accurate analysis
- The camera should be on a tripod so that it does not move through the recording.
- Record the video from at least a few meters away to minimize any parallax error.
- Make sure the calibration measure is placed in the same plane as the subject. If the person is either closer or further away from the camera than the calibration measure, then the scale will be different and the distance calculated inaccurate.
- Make sure the marker is placed on the body at a spot that is visible throughout the jump.
Related Pages
- Calculating jump height using video timings
- Other vertical jump equipment
- Methods for Vertical Jump Measurement using flight time
- Jump mats and other vertical jump devices in the fitness testing store
- Poll: Which equipment do you use to measure vertical jump?
- About vertical jump techniques
- About measuring distance using video
- physics of projectile motion