Skinfold calipers are used in the measurement of skinfold thickness and the estimation of total body fat. There are a range of skinfold calipers available, including the following.
Fat Track Calipers
Fat Track Digital Skinfold Caliper is relatively inexpensive device for the measurement of percent body fat, and comes from the same company that makes the Accu-Measure Caliper.
The Fat Track Gold digital skinfold calipers are programed with 3- and 7-site Jackson-Pollack formulas for estimating body fat %. If you want you can also use the caliper in a non-programed mode to take skinfold measurements and use other formulas. It also measures and calculates lean body mass.
You can store and program up to 50 user profiles, including the last 3 readings for each user. caliper is simple to use and comes with detailed instructions. Its body fat calculation is based on the Jackson-Pollock three-site formula, with a measurement taken in the upper, midsection and lower body. Also, it can store up to three personal profiles and has a statistical report mode that displays your maximum and minimum readings at each measuring point. It has a digital display which show the results of each pinch, and allows you to take several samples of each measurement site. The caliper stores three measurements and then automatically calculates and displays body fat percentage with the touch of a button. FatTrack also has a "self-calibration" feature that claims to maintains a lifetime measuring accuracy. It requires 2 AA batteries.
There is also a Fat Track Pro version, which is aimed at the professional user. The Fat Track Pro calipers are programed with 3- and 7-site Jackson-Pollack formulas for estimating body fat %. If you want you can also use the caliper in a non-programed mode to take skinfold measurements and use other formulas. It also measures and calculates lean body mass. You can store and program up to 50 user profiles, including the last 3 readings for each user.
You can purchased this product on Amazon:
Other skinfold calipers are also available in the Fitness Testing Store.
Related Pages
- Skinfold Caliper Store
- Guide to Skinfold Calipers
- Jackson-Pollack formulas for determining body density and % bodyfat
- Take the poll about what caliper do you use, and see which one is more popular?
- Description of standard skinfold sites
- Skinfold measurement procedure
- About body composition tests
- Videos of Anthropometric Tests including Skinfold Testing.