There are several programmers who have created Apps for the iphone, ipad and related products that can conduct the beep test, with various other functions such as score tracking and rating. I have chosen to highlight some of the better ones below - make sure you read the reviews and ratings for the App before purchasing.
Do yo ureally need an app? You can download the beep audio file for free here and have the file to use wherever you like.
How do you choose which App to download? You need to decide which features you require. There are plenty of free apps which are good enough to conduct a simple test, but you may wish to purchase an app to get all the features you need.
Here is the range of features to look out for. No single app will provide all of these features.
- Real-time display of the current test
- Save and graph results
- Convert the score to VO2max
- Calculate distance covered
- Determine fitness rating
- Provide test variations
- Test multiple athletes
- Calculate energy expenditure
- Stop screen locking during the test
- Use GPS to measure out the running distance
- Configure audio
- Optional vibrate on each level
- Training mode
- Design your own test
- Play music in the background
- Share your results via social media
Bitworks Beep Test Apps
These Apps are brought to you by the same software developers of the Team Beep Test software for Windows. This is the most comprehensive of all the available beep test apps. The greatest feature of this app is the ability to conduct a number of different beep type tests such as the yo-yo test, and even design your own test.
You can check out all the Beep Test Apps on the App Store
Beep Test Lite
A simple version designed for the individual to test themselves. An on-screen graphic displays real time progression of the test and the VO2max equivalent score, total distance and current stage and laps. Includes optional vibrate and voice announcement of stage number when moving to the next stage.
Beep Test Solo
An enhancement on the Beep Test Free, the Beep Test Solo allows you to run any type of Multi-Stage Fitness Test (MSFT) for any sport. As well as the standard beep test and its variations, you are also able to conduct the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery and Endurance tests, the UK Police & Fire 15m Test or use the powerful script feature to create your own beep test. You are also able to record and review your previous scores on a graph to track your fitness.
Team Beep Test
In addition to the features on the Beep Test Free and Solo, this app can record and keep track of test scores for up to 40 player profiles, view past scores (Stage and level, VO2max and total distance) on a graph for all player profiles or highlight a single profile to show detailed score information.
You can check out all the Beep Test Apps on the App Store
Simon Taylor's Beep Test Apps
The Beep Test Application from Simon Taylor is currently available in a few different versions. A feature of these Apps that does not appear to be on others is a Training Tab - so you can start training at any point and loop the stage (available on all but the core version).
Beep Test Slim
This is the basic app to conduct the beep test. Although it includes full instructions, it does not save results and give you a rating.
Beep test trainer
Designed for the individual (only one user at a time), it also has the function to determine VO2max, give fitness level ratings, save results and display graphically over time.
Beep Test Team
In addition to the solo version functions, you can track multiple user profiles and results.
You can check out all the Beep Test Apps on the App Store
Related Pages
- Purchase the beep test mp3 file
- Links to other fitness testing products
- Procedure for conducting the beep test
- How to train for the beep test
- Other fitness testing phone apps