Fitness testing does not always require expensive equipment. Here are some basic items that you probably have around your home that you can use to test yourself. Along with the list of equipment, there are links to some simple tests that can be performed using these items.
If you are setting up a testing laboratory or a fitness testing business we have listed a suggested fitness testing equipment list. There is also more information about other fitness testing equipment.
Basic Home Fitness Testing Kit
- Ruler
- Tape Measure
- Scales
- Stopwatch
Fitness Tests Using the Home Fitness Kit
- Body Composition: use the tape measure for body composition measures such as girths, height. Scales to measure your body weight.
- Flexibility: use the ruler to measure flexibility with the sit-and-reach test,
- Reaction Time: use a ruler to measure your reaction time
- Running Speed: use the stopwatch to time how fast you can run 40 meters (use the tape to measure the distance)
- Muscle Strength: to time a two-minute sit-up and push-up test
- Muscle Power: use the ruler to measure how high you jump in a vertical jump test.
- Aerobic Fitness: use the stopwatch to time yourself in a step test.
Use Your Phone
By using the functions of a cell phone you can do a lot more than the tests listed above. All phones have a clock and stopwatch function. You can download apps for doing aerobic fitness tests such as the beep test. You can use the GPS function to measure out a track to do a set distance or time running test. Search in your app store for fitness tests and you will find many options. We have listed some Fitness Testing Apps.
Home Fitness Testing Manual
Download your free copy of the Home Fitness Testing Manual — a guide for you to plan, conduct, analyze and interpret fitness testing at home.
Other Fitness Testing Kits
- The Senior Fitness Test (Fullerton Functional Test)
- Brockport Physical Fitness Test Kit
- FitnessGram Program Kit
- Fitness Testing Kits — list of suggested fitness testing equipment
- The Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit — the basics required for you to test yourself at home
Related Pages
- List of Fitness Testing Equipment
- Fitness Tests at Home — links to a few fitness tests suitable to do yourself at home
- About the Home Fitness Testing Manual
- Fitness Testing Apps
- See the Fitness Test List for the complete range of tests.