A normal resting heart rate can range anywhere from 40 to 100 beats per minute. We have a chart generally relating resting heart rate and fitness level for different age groups. There are many factors other than fitness which may account for variations in heart rate such as medications, illness and stress. Below are some common questions about resting heart rate.
If you have any concerns at all about the functioning of your heart, you should consult a doctor who can examine you personally and give expert opinion.
What are the causes of a low resting heart rate (bradycardia) ?
- You may may calculated your heart rate incorrectly. See detailed information on how and when to measure resting heart rate.
- You may be extremely fit. Fitter people often have a low resting heart rate, as the heart gets more efficient at pumping blood around the body, so at rest more blood can be pumped around with each beat, therefore less beats per minute are needed. See the heart rate and fitness chart.
- A medication you are on may have caused your heart rate to slow. Some medicines that may slow the heart include those for treating heart problems or high blood pressure, such as beta-blockers, antiarrhythmics, and digoxin.
- Heart diseases that damage the heart's electrical system, such as coronary artery disease, heart attack, and infections such as endocarditis and myocarditis. There are also conditions that can slow the electrical impulses through the heart, such as having a low thyroid level or an electrolyte imbalance.

What are the causes of a high resting heart rate (tachycardia) ?
- You may not be fully rested. Resting heart rate is ideally taken after a few minutes upon waking while still lying in bed. See detailed information on how and when to measure resting heart rate.
- You may have calculated your heart rate incorrectly. See detailed information on how and when to measure resting heart rate.
- You are stressed or have high blood pressure.
- You are drinking too much coffee or other caffeinated drinks.
- Lifestyle factors such as heavy consumption of alcohol and smoking can result in a high resting heart rate.
- You may have a fever or other illness. Some diseases and congenital heart defects may cause an elevated heart rate. There are also conditions that can increase the electrical impulses through the heart, such as having a high thyroid level or an electrolyte imbalance.
- A medication you are on may have caused your heart rate to be elevated. An elevated heart rate is a side effect of some drugs, also some recreational drugs like cocaine can also increase heart rate.
My resting heart rate is outside of the normal range - what should I do?
- Don't panic.
- Make sure you are measuring your resting heart rate correctly. See detailed information on how and when to measure resting heart rate.
- Take several measures, over several days, to ensure you have a consistent level.
- If you are still concerned, seek expert medical opinion. Don't rely on comments and feedback here as medical advice.
If you have any concerns about your heart, you should be asking your doctor who can take a full history, examine you and give expert opinion. Don't rely on comments and feedback here as medical advice.
Related Pages
- More comments about Resting Heart Rate
- Resting Heart Rate Chart
- How and when to measure resting heart rate
- All about Heart Rate and Exercise
- Heart Rate Records, maximum and minimum.
- A discussion of What is a normal heart rate?
- Measuring Heart Rate — how to measure using the manual and monitor methods.
- Maximum Heart Rate — how high can you go?
- Topend Sports Store: Heart Rate Monitors for sale, also ECG Monitors

Old Comments
Commenting is closed on this page, though you can read some previous comments below which may answer some of your questions.
- Karen (2013)
hi can someone enlighten me please my heart rate varies at rest 59/83 I am perimenapausal and am a bit worried as I am recently aware of a pounding strong heart beat at these times the rate is 84 beats per minute is this normal - Nimesh karen (2015)
please. 84 is normal, but is not 100% healthy. For me normal is anything that is not risky or dangerous. If its about 100 consistently in perfect resting state over a period of 4-5 measurements then I would go to the doctor for an EKG and lipid profile. If they are all ok, still concerned - ensure to looking into your stress. It may be the reason your heart is beating high. Or go for a Hotler Monitor its accurate in measuring heart rate variations. Good luck. (Realise its 2 years old, still i felt I should console you or similar people with such worries which are often futile) - CARLOS RUIZ (2013)
Hello, I am a 44 Male and my Resting HR is 55 almost every week. I do some bodybuilding 2 times a week, but my weight is 240 Lb. I have large accumulation of belly fat. I have been fat all my life. What could be happening? I don´t consider myself an Athlete, I can not loose weight. - Kevin CARLOS RUIZ (2013)
Carrying fat on your body isn't necessarily a bad thing. Fat gets a bad rep these days, but its a function of our body to store energy for later. You can be quite healthy in terms of cardio and strength, and still have a good amount of fat on you. - The problems with fat are mostly things that tend to go hand in hand with fat, such as a sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol, not necessarily a problem with carrying fat in and of itself.
- Michael R CARLOS RUIZ (2014)
Hello Carlos, I am a 31 yr old, male, 5'7" about 185lbs. I too have struggled with being overweight, where I weighed 215lbs at one time (for too long). What was weird, at the time before I started educating myself on nutrition and healthy living (eating habbits (time I ate, frequency of eating, amount at each serving), type of food (calories, protein-carbs-fiber-fat ratios, etc), exercising (aerobic (fat burning), weight lifting (concentrated muscle training), FYI - it's not how much you lift, it's how you lift that will give you the physique of a Greek God statue; however, back to what I was originally getting at was my fat accumulated in my belly/waist area. Therefore, the solution was eating healthy, smaller portions, eating more frequently, 5-6 times a day, meals consistent of an apple w/ peanut butter, meal replacement shake Ensure or a weight gainer shake but only use 1/10 the amount they say on the label. The weight gainers are a great trick but you must use a small scoop say 32g. Raw vegetables with light ranch instead of candy or potato chips. That's another thing now that it's been mentioned. Stay away from processed foods. Mainly potato chips, ice cream, white bread, reg pasta, mostly ALL fast foods, for the sweet tooth moments, try eating some Greek vanilla yogurt with some fruit or granola. Basically, it turned out that if I stopped eating easy to make processed foods (pizza, soda, fast food, chips, candy, sugary drinks, greasy foods, processed foods) and started eating things like fruit, baked chicken breast, boiled eggs (3 eggs to 1 yoke), mixed raw veggies with ranch, salads with fruit and nuts, almond milk blended with Greek yogurt, peanut butter and jelly on whole grain toasted bread, health brands of cereal, fresh cherries, peaches with cool whip, bananas and peanut butter, apples and peanut butter, fish, steak, pork chops, etc. As long as I ate more frequently, with smaller portions for each meal, made sure that the ratio of protein-carbohydrates-fiber-fats where balanced. You can search the internet for some ratios for protein-carb-fat ratios. However, I always cheated by knowing if there is a lot of fiber, I can get away with eating a little more. In short, anything worth obtaining requires effort and discipline. I would say I'm a Greek god but my body sure looks like one. It took me about 2 years, where the last 6-8 months I buckled down and stuck strictly to a similar diet I previously mentioned, I literally saw my body transform and the body fat disappear. The end result at this time is to slowly tighten up the loose skin which comes with weight loss but can be tightened if one stays actively exercising and following a health life style and nutritional diet. - Melissa Rufin (2014)
Hi I'm 16 and 5'0 tall and weigh 110 pounds. My resting heart rate is 85. I'm actually a very active person since I'm on a dance team which we run 2 miles each practice and dance and stretch and workout for an average amount of 4-6 hours at least 3 maybe 4 times a week. I've done my research and read that my resting heart rate is very poor for being such an active person. Is there something wrong with my heart or health ?? - Nordlys Melissa Rufin (2014)
You're the third confirmation that, probably people that have natural high rest heart rate (80+) can't fix their rest heart rate, unlike people that have a rest heart rate below 80.
You must get over it and resign.
My heart rate is the same as yours. I do physical activities from just one month, but I already know that my rest heart rate will not slow down.
I am a little bit fat, but 10 kilos don't really influence heart rate, so losing weight will not help. - Todd aka ODDT ODDMUZIK/ODD R3C Nordlys (2018)
Younger people have faster heart rates - Briakay (2014)
What is a normal heart rate while walking around doing things such as every day errands? - Jacque (2013)
I'm on blood pressure medication (mitral valve prolapse) and take 25 mg. lopressor 1x daily. My RHR keeps getting lower and lower. I've had EKG, Echo, Holtor, all have come back fine, but what gives with the low heart rate? The doctor keeps telling me I'm fine, but I just remember that before, like six months ago, my RHR was 68 AND I was taking another bp medication (40 mg. Micardis), which I'm now off of. I just want an answer. - Kvalerio (2013)
I am 34 5'3 and 112 pounds I have had two children I am not a healthy eater and I dont excercise and my resting heart rate is between 45-51 should I be worried? I get migranes often and feel a little lightheaded sometimes but not often and a few weeks ago I ended up in the ER thinking it was my galbladder now I think it might have been my heart. Not sure what to think!!!! - Sherish kvalerio (2014)
Im not a doctor but i think with you not being a healthy eater or get much exercise that you should be happy that you have a resting heart rate that low. An athletes is around 40 beats per min ! I am like you no exercise because i am in a wheelchair and i eat what i want and my resting heart rate the other day was 121!! Be happy!! - Dianna Miller kvalerio (2013)
I get migraines as well, Over the years I figured mine were hormonal. I would suggest you keep a calendar of your periods and a calendar of your migraines. I can get migraines 3 out of 4 weeks. Before, during or after my period. You sound like you are in good health, I would keep the calendars for a year and discuss with your physician. I do not take prescription meds of any kind for migraines. I do use feverfew, which helps, but not a preventative. - Sarah Dianna Miller (2013)
Take Magnesium for the migraines. Best long term preventative, easy to fix. Calm is a great brand. - Trainer Dave Sarah (2013)
supplements are for lazy, most likely unhealthy people with poor diets... eat real food... there are no magic pills for instant health. Destress, get more sleep, calm the mind, build a tough body, eat a lean rainbow... make your own magic. - Sid Vicious trainer Dave (2015)
Body builders and athletes take supplements. Eat clean, healthy food too but still take what ever supplement they want to take if they can't get it from eating pounds of fruits, vegetables, and meat a day for example. Multivitamins, protein powder bcaas glutamine. I could go on but can't list all the vitamins and minerals they use There's to many to list They take them because of convenience and don't have time to eat all those meals in a day when they are working. Anyway we all know supplements are a great alternative to vitamins, minerals, protein .
, illnesses Etc. your name says trainer Dave. I hope you don't really tell clients not to use supplements if they want to It can deffinetley help them reach there goals in the gym. Supp. Are great trainer Dave. It's just my opinion. And no there not for layzy people just look at some of the top athletes or bodybuilders that take them and bust there butt in the gym for hours a week. This is just my opinion even though supplements helping people is a fact. - Sid Vicious trainer Dave (2015)
Bodybuilders and athletes take supplements and do eat real food Clean healthy food. Supplements are great to have around - MorgieII kvalerio (2013)
You might need to gain a little weight, or your body could just be naturally efficient. I on the other hand, have the opposite problem that you do -- I'm tall and thin and relatively active, but my heart rate is fast. It depends on the person, but it's always safer to get it checked out. Try measuring your heart rate at different times throughout the course of a few days and if you still have concerns or your heart rate is inconsistent with your activity levels, go get it checked out. It could be harmless, but better safe than sorry. - Nick Smith (2013)
Hi. Im a 21 year old male at approx.150lbs and a height of 6ft3in. I've recently been to the doctor about palpitations and other feelings that come along with it. Id get all hot an sweaty followed by nausea. My resting heart rate varies between 40bpm-60bpm. At the time of the palpitations my HR can reach around 110bpm and is very hard beating. Sometimes i cannot sleep because it is pulsating to hard. Ive recently been to a cardiologist where he said he wasn't quite sure. he then said it isn't screaming out heart condition. He told me it was anxiety. I haven't noticed any correlation between the moments when the palpitations happen. To me they seem at random. Should i get another opinion on this as i don't want to be misdiagnosed as all you can see lately in the news is young people dying because of heart conditions - Denise Nick Smith (2013)
Have your thyroid levels checked...several thyroid conditions can cause hot flashes and high heart and bp rates. - Elizabeth vermillion (2020)
My heart rate is 128 I'm 18 and weigh 119 should I be concerned? - Jeep Shelly (2017)
Hi, I am a 32 y/o female 5'4 225 lbs. After what was later diagnosed as a panic attack that took me to the ER for heart palpitations among other things about a year ago my MD put me on .5mg xanax at night to help with sleep. She did lots of tests around this time and everything was fine. She wanted to take me off the xanax sooner but then I was involved in a really bad car accident, then shortly after that I lost my mother so she thought it best to keep me on. I saw her about three weeks ago to get my prescription refilled and she said my anxiety seemed a lot better and I had lost 25lbs so she decided to switch me to something specific for sleep (restoril) at the lowest dose. I stopped the xanax and started the restoril. I gave the restoril about a week but didn't like the way I was feeling during the day so I stopped taking that. I didnt think anything about stopping because they were such low dosages but for the past week my resting bpm has gone from 73/76 to 83 ( according to my fitbit). Just sitting at work typing this it is currently at 95 and jumps between 80s and 90s. When I get up and walk around/take the stairs it goes up to between 110 and 120. The last two days when working on my elliptical it has only gone up to 146 at the highest. I have intermittent palpitations and some mild dizziness but no pain/nausea anything like that and am still able to function. I don;t feel overly anxious except when I get palpitations or see that my bpm is high. I know my numbers aren't great but also aren't outrageous and would hate to go to the ER if it's just anxiety or withdrawal symptoms. - K (2017)
Im 17, 5ft 3 and around 8 and a half stone. My resting heartrate is between 99 and 120. I kniw thats wayyy to high for someone of my weight and height but i dont know what to do. Im in school doing a levels so obviously im under a degree of stress but i didnt thunk it wiuld be significant enough to pull my resting heartrate up this high. Is it worth consulting a doc or do i kust hav a very high heart rate naturally? - Michel Starker K (2017)
anxiety and stress can raise the resting heart rate. It is possible the concern you state here is providing your body with the mental state of anxiety and stress needed to raise your resting heart rate.This may not work for all, but perhaps if you spend a little time giving yourself a guided meditation about the best things happening in your life before taking a measurement might have an effect on your reading. Maybe listening to soothing music or something you know has helped you to reduce stress and anxiety in the past could be used before taking a reading. Remember that anxiety and stress can activate that part of your brain that is all about the fight, flight or freeze response your body takes on based on the stress and anxiety. It may be very circular for you. Good luck with it! If you pin it down, come back and share it with others. - Lucy (2017)
Hi can someone please tell me whats up with me, so basically I am a 14 year old girl and my weight is at 125 pounds. My resting heart rate is constantly between 95 and 110. Is this something to be worried about? - Sydney (2017)
hello, im 16 years old and I have a resting heart rate of 116 beats per minute. should I be worried. - Rosaline (2016)
hi, i am 13, and my resting heart rate (BPM) is 96, is that normal? Also, I am quite fit. - Elizabeth (2016)
I'm 16 Years Old And Usually Weigh About 100 Pounds, But It Fluctuates Between 95 Pounds And 115 Pounds A Lot. My Heart Has Been A Problem Lately, So I Just Wanted To Know What Is Normal For Someone Like Me And When It Starts To Become Dangerous, Especially When Around The House. - Devdas Ghorui (2016)
Hi, I am Devdas From India, And My Pulish Rate Is 83. What Should I Do Now?? - Turtle Guy (2016)
I am a 12-year-old boy, and one month ago my resting heart rate was between 75-80, and over the past several days it's been 65-66. Should I be concerned about the sudden drop? Also, is 65-66 normal for my age? - Nikki (2016)
Hi I'm a 12 year old girl and my resting pulse rate is over 100//110 and 92 is the lowest I've ever seen it. I have been doing about 25 hours of sport my whole life and my active pulse rate is about 130?! Ishtar right? - Barry n tara (2016)
My husband just woke about five minutes ago and had me check his heart rate it was at 120+ he is 34 and physically fit his hands are also shaky should we be worried? - Tammy Gordy (2016)
Hello I am a 50 y^o non smoker that has gained 80 lbs n last 16 mons. I've been taking meds for Hyperthyroidism but I've had 7 episodes where I have a nauseous feeling start to sweat, lightheaded, dizzy and flashes of lights also sound like my head is n a barrel when ppk talk to me and the worst part I've been told I turn ghostly pale and then I'm gone.. I don't remember anything after that. My heart rate is roughly around 38-45 bpm stays around 56-58 but yesterday just walking normal my heart rate was 132-144. I have a horrible headache and hard time filling my lungs with air.. Ive been diagnosed with Bradycardia-Tachycardia. I'm so scared. I see my Cardiologist tomorrow he acts like it's nothing. But when u collapse at work and can return. It's something. Please someone anyone help with suggestions. .. - Prathyusha Reddy (2016)
Hi,I am female with age 20 and my heart rate at rest is 98bpm. What does that mean.Am I prone to any heart attack.My height is 5'2" and weight is 60 kgs - Joshua Alcones (2016)
my resting heart rate is 64 to 88 is that normal for a 15 years old boy like me? - Kyle (2016)
Hey, im 16 years old and my resting heart rate is 80-84 bpm, should I be worried?? I used to be very active with footy and weights but have stopped due to torn ACL. I do have asthma and use an inhaler and recently it has been playing up!! If anyone has info on why its gone up nearly 14 bpm in 2 years please help!! - Zain (2015)
Hi i am a 23 year old male my heart beat is 100 plus sometime and 72 to 84 normal I am I OK I am over weight and I use inharer - Paweł (2015)
Hello. My mum's heart rate was recently 94 bpm. Normally, her pulse rate hesitates from 80 bpm to 95 bpm. I know that these are not ideal values. But do they pose any threat? Could you give me some advice how to help her? - Roof Dawg (2015)
Hi I'm 19 my sys is 133 my dia is 55 and pulse is 87 should I be concerned - Unknown (2015)
Mine is 116 BPM what should I do - Clorissa DeBow (2015)
Hey I was hoping to maybe share a story and pray there's someone out there going through what I'm going through. My cardiologist is no help. I have these episodes where I feel like my heart is about to beat right out of my chest sometimes reaching over 100 bpm, I get hot, light headed, become extremely pail, and sometimes faint. My fingers go numb all the way up to my shoulders. Sometimes my feet will go numb. They think I have wolf-Parkinson's white syndrome. I've had a device planted in my chest a year today. With every episode I feel like I'm dying! I'm scared as to a symptom of wpws is sudden death! All advice would be greatly appreciated.! - Mary O'Shea Clorissa DeBow (2015)
Have them check you for POTS by using a tilt table. Heart beats need to be 30/40 higher then resting rate. You can do a poor man's test. Rest for 10 mins, take blood pressure. Do not move during the 10 mins. Stand take blood pressure, take again at 5 mins and 10 mins. Again no movement, just stand. POTS stand for Postural Orthostactic Tachycardia Syndrome. Some other conditions s that go along with this are Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Chiari Malformation, Mast Cell Activation. - Tanya Bartone Mary O'Shea (2015)
FINALLY! SOMEONE SUGGESTED POTS! LOL THERE'S ALSO JUST "ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION", i ACTUALLY DO HAVE EDS, mild MCAD, VENTRAL BRAINSTEM COMPRESION (NOT CHIARI, BUT CHIARI LIKE SYMPTOMS), dysautonomia which is a given and covers the POTS :) obviously chronic fatigue syndrome from having POTS, so, ppl saying that a low resting heart rate (40's) is normal even tho they are not athletes, isn't always normal for others. If not induced by medications, stress, poor diet there may be a real underlying issue. May be not to the extent I have it, but your HR shouldn't fluctuate between 40-180 unless exercising. My HR is higher when I am standing compared to when I'm actually running. Standing 140. Cant keep HR up when running tho! Resting has dropped to 25, but averages 50.As for BP, if your pressure goes up by atleast 10 upon standing it could be from hyperadrenic POTS, but it is perfectly normal to drop just a little upon standing with a slightly elevated HR. It shouldn't go up and stay up above 30 bpm when upright - Katy (2015)
17 year old female, 5'0", 90.1 lbs. Resting heart rate consistently 94-98 bpm. I havent done physical activity in almost two years and have lost 7 lbs in muscle mass. I just started working out again. Lately i have been getting chest pains when doing cardio. Is this just low stamina i need to rebuild or should i talk to a doctor? - Valli (2015)
Hi, I'm 23 female 5'4'' about 157lb, my resting HR is 98 (at night) is it ok ?? Some time I used to get chest pain on left side and also eye dizziness ( not frequent) . I don't smoke or alcohol. I'm vegetarian. I do exercise 2hr per week. I consulted doctor for acne problem, their I get to know about my HR is high and also I'm lack of good cholesterol (36/50). Bad cholesterol is in limit. What should I do to reduce HR
Thanks in advance. - Vero (2014)
Hi I'm a 6'4 female at 175lbs and I currently have a testing heart rate of 50-55bpm. I was wondering if my testing heart rate will increse due to inactivity. I injured myself and am out for 6 weeks or so (although I will be strength training from the get go and will be swimming at about 4 weeks). I am very active (16 hours traing plus a week). Will my testing heart rate increase over the 6 weeks?
Older Comments
- I am a 15 year old female and I was sitting in my room and I felt like my heart was pumping out of my chest. And I got like REALLY hot. I took my pulse and it was 93 bpm. Is this normal?! Or should I see my doctor. Oh and heart disease runs in my family so I am worried. (from 15 Year Old Girl, Apr 2013)
- I am a lazy, smoking 53 year old female and my resting h/b is between 80 and 105. I am not fat. should I be worried?
- My boyfriend who is 66 yrs old has COPD and is on oxygen 24/ he also has a very badd heart. He has been told by his heart specialist is unoperatable. Lately he has been extremely tired...sleeps most of the day and I take his oxygen level with the meter it shows 90 oxygen level and 104 sometimes 111 for his heart rate. My question is ..What should his normal heart rate be? (from Teriann, Apr 2013)
- Just recovering from some type of a stomach/intestinal virus and was wondering what my RHR was, so I did the measurement this morning. Turns out to be 79, but then again, I haven't really eaten anything in in the last 72 hours due to the aforementioned ailment. RHR was 56, but that was more than 20 years ago. Will have to check this later once I'm back on my normal diet and sleep patterns and all. Oh, and I'm 50 now. (from Lee A., Apr 2013)
- I'm 21 year old woman my resting heart rate is 56 i went to the doctor today and found out i have syncope heart failure and will have to have a pacemaker in my chest. (from Sara b, Apr 2013)
- 23 yrs old female 5'6" 140 lbs. Resting heart rate in high 90s at home and 130 or more at work which is very stressful as I am a dog groomer (from janelle, Apr 2013)
- 62bpm I'm 25y.o 6'4 weigh 115kgs (about 25kg overweight) I've recently lost 17kg (due to a big diet change not exercise) and tested heart rate in the morning before I got out of bed. I usually get a resting rate at 74bpm throughout the day. Don't tell me if I'm going to die. I just don't wanna know :D (from Harry.G, Mar 2013)
- Hello, I'm curious. I am a 19 year old female and my resting heart rate is up to 130 (I had my doctor check it for me). She wants to send my to a Cardiologist and I'm having second thoughts? (from Laken, Mar 2013)
- Hi. I'm 25. Overweight and never excersise. My testing heart rate (just after woken up) is usually 63. I know too low a heart hate can be bad. Is this about right? (from JM, Mar 2013)
- I am a 70 old male just had a Holter monitor on for 24hours heart rate dropped to 31 BPM whilst having morning tea.Normally between 37 and 41.(from Roy, Mar 2013)
- Sir i'm 23 year old and my heart count was 73 ...n sometime i faced breathing problem..do i need to worry ? (from vipin, Mar 2013)
- My heart pulse rate 49 bpm, my weigt is 73 kg, hieght is 173 cm and doctor asked to contact cardiologist should i worried? (from ravindra, Mar 2013)
- I have recently been taking amitriptyline for back pain. I noticed that my resting pulse rate has increased to 80+. Prior to taking the medication my pulse rate was between 60 and 70. I hope my rate will return to normal now that I have stopped taking the medication. (from Rosalie, Mar 2013)
- I suffer severe anxiety,somme Times mi resting heart is above 100 bpm. Starting monday nô more cigs and exercise . I hope to get in chape with à lower RHR Soon (from Wyatt, Mar 2013)
- I am 25 yrs old and I'm anthlete but I have panic disorder sometimes I feel that my heart beats are not normal and I feel like my heart is popping out of my chest and my bpm is 54. i dont know if its bad or not. (from Hooman, Mar 2013)
- I'm in my office at the moment at the school where I teach studio art. My heartbeat is currently 42. (from Mike, Mar 2013)
- I am a 25 year old male and am 5'10" and weigh ~280. I ve played sports my whole life so I've exercised more than your average 280 pound person. My RHR is usually between 54-60. Seems low. I've recently developed high anxiety so I am constantly checking my pulse but believe my RHR was never this low. Whenever I go to the doctor's my pulse is severely elevated due to my anxiety so I never get an accurate RHR from my visits (from Brian, Mar 2013)
- I am an 89 year old male, my sitting heat rate with a recently implanted pacemaker is 55 to 59. do I need to bring it up, what is your advise? (from Bud Clark, Mar 2013)
- I dont feel well, my resting heart rate is 88..feels so wierd! I am 47 yrs old. Been thinking something is wrong and every time I go to one of my doctors, my blood pressure is over 150/90. One time it was 170/103. I am on pain meds and meds for fatigue. I think the comb. Is bad for me. I'm going to go off or cut down i think.. and I also think it's time to call my doctor and see what he wants me to do. I'm going with my gut on this one! (from Barb AZ, Mar 2013)
- Hello I'm 21 years old and I read my pulse, and i got a 42 bpm,I work for my father and I had an argument with him because by accident I pressed sent on an email instead of pressing space (wtf i know), but i felt dizzy and a dull pain in my chest after about 40 minutes i had a bpm of 58, Is that not normal? I just rested till I felt better it seemed to work, but i feel very tired. (from Shadobie, Mar 2013)
- My resting heart rate about 50 when I was regularly exercising. I got injured and I haven't exercised in 4 months and I gained about 15lbs. Now my resting heart rate is 90. Can this amount of change beattributable to the weight gain and lack of exercise? Is it really that volatile, or is there something deeper at play here? (from Dyronne Luarca, Mar 2013)
- I am a 63 year old woman. I am not an athlete but I walk 2 miles most days. I was told by my ophthalmologist that my heart rate is 55 and I may have bradycardia which is preventing me from getting my cataract surgery scheduled. I just took it and it was 61. I am scheduled to see my doctor, but I am feeling like this is much ado about nothing. (from Marta Thrasher, Mar 2013)
- Hi, I'm 19 and I did a pulse rate/ heart rate, and its 84 at resting, sometimes i'd feel dizzy and my leg would be in horrible pain or a dull like "blood vessel" type feel. I've switched my diet completely into in cooperating more fruits and veggies and watching salt. its been almost a month. Should I regulate my salt intake even more? Do any of you know or can help me? I've have pre-high blood pressure recorded on my health records and I want to drop it down to a healthy pressure! I want my heart to relax! haha (from sally, Mar 2013)
- I am a 49 year old average woman, do not excercise (scared too!), try to eat healthy but still eat too many carbs. I drink a beer or glass of wine a night, and do not smoke. My resting heart rate flucuates between 75 and has been into the low 100's. Please help!! (from jmm, Mar 2013)
- I'm 32 years old, with a rest heart rate of 87, wtf is wrong with me! (from Partha Majumder, Mar 2013)
- 45 years old, 6'1' and 180 lbs. with a resting heart rate of 52. I lift weights, do yoga, walk, and meditate. 6 months ago I quit cigs, weed, and alcohol. I eat a whole foods, mostly vegetarian diet with a ton of vegetables and healthy fats. No dairy, no processed foods, and no gluten. (from Eric, Mar 2013)
- I'm 18 year old female who's resting heart rate is 90. I don't regularly exercise but I do lead somewhat of an active lifestyle. I'm 5'4" and about 120 lbs. I usually have low blood pressure and a high pulse. Is this normal? (from Emily, Mar 2013)
- I'm a 23 yr old female, I get a work out in my job, I'm on my feet all day, I lift and carry adults, walk all the time. I eat healthy, I weigh 125 at 5'7...my three is at 90... What the hell (from i think i have a problem, Mar 2013)
- I am 50 years old and my haert rate is ranging between 44 - 50, what is my health status, I do walking and running everyday atleast an hour a day (from Tommy A. Tuliao, Mar 2013)
- I'm a 16 year old female and my resting heart rate is around 94 bpm, should I be worried? (from shannon, Mar 2013)
- I am a female 21 years of age. 155cm and 45kg I don't exercise at all really because I work nearly every day. Today I was at a smorgasbord and ate a lot after I finished I stayed sitting for a while after and then checked my pulse and it was around 105bpm whilst my parents heartrate was in the 60-70bpm .. Is this bad? (from Adele, Feb 2013)
- I'm female, 48 and about 80 kilos. I don't exercise at all. My resting heart rate has always been around 72 bpm. My pulse rate is suddenly around the 59 bpm mark. Why is this? It's never been low before. No dizziness or other symptoms though. Nothing has changed except I've gone from about 74 kilos to 80 kilos. (from Robby, Feb 2013)
- I'm 38 and my resting heart rate since I was a kid was always around 89-105 beats per minute. I have spot on perfect blood pressure always. All levels are great, including cholesterol and triglycerides, etc. Should I even be concerned? I'm trying to figure out if I need to change my Heart rate monitor settings for when I exercise. (from Serenstar, Feb 2013)
- Where are the goalies they should be on the list they are one if the most important players ever (from bobby, Feb 2013)
- I am 19yrs old, i work out 5 times a week and eat healthy with very little carbs and fat. My resting heart rate is normally 92-105. I have always been active my whole life with vigrous intensity activities. When reading standard charts for age and predicited heart rate expectations there are other factors to consider. For example i am on adhd medication(ritalin) and anti-depressants (zolfot and wellbrutin) this can effect your rest heart rate dramatically. Overall it is important to consider other contributing factors (From Samm, Feb, 2013)
- I'm a 28 year old female. I am 5'7" and 123 lbs. I eat healthy and exercise 3-4 times a week. My resting heart rate is 56-68 (it's generally in the high 50's after laying in bed for 10 minutes or more). Generally I have no symptoms, but occasionally I feel tired and lightheaded and my heat rate drops down to 53-55. I've had an EKG done and it came back normal. Should I be concerned? (from Jennifer, Feb 2013)
- Im 29 ... Female .weigh 192lbs . with a resting heart rate of 52... im not fit fit.. do go to the gym 3-4 times a week. the doctor recently found i had a heart murmur ...when i went to A and E with chest pains, been getting chest pains for the past 6weeks... got a cardiology appointment in 4weeks...alittle worried as my pulse was around 72 when at hospital and it seems to be decreaseinh everyday. (from Sarah, Feb 2013)
- Sir, i m 42 yrs old(F).having sudden SVT since last 15 yrs. at first it happens 10-15 mins. bt from last 1-2 yrs it is occures for 1-5 hrs. but on 14/02/2013 it lasting about 18 hrs.that time ECG detect p=168/min; bp=systolic 80...when it is occurs at that time i feel big stress,slight pain in my neck & shoulder..but not any kinds 0f breathing problem or heart pain normally...i want to know what types of medicine i take during SVT time for relief..?? (i wouldn't use medicine on regular basis) (from Madhumita Ghanty, Feb 2013)
- I started a new high blood pressure med.Edarbi 80 mg 1 daily beginning 09/22/2012. Since than my resting heart has increased. My heart rate is consistently between 95 to 110. I am also on a neutralizer med. irpatropium bromide 0.5mg. Could the asthma med. and the Edarbi be the cause of the elevated heart rate (from Lorraine, Feb 2013)
- I'm no doctor, but if you want to lower your resting heart rate you should focus on increasing your red blood cell count. Pearl divers and mountain dwellers do this without excessive excercise by training "I use the word loosely" in a low oxygen environment thus acclimatizing on a cellular level. Checkout David Blaine's TED Talk: how I held my breath for 17 minutes. (from Stefan, Feb 2013)
- For a few years my resting heart rate has been in the mid 50's this month I noticed an increase to 60-70, then I caught a cold/flu for about a week, I am well now, but my resting hear rate is still 60-70, what could be going on? (from Egar, Feb 2013)
- I always have low blood pressure always on 100/70 then my pulse always on 109 that's been going for almost 6 months. There was one time i take a hot shower and my heart beat so fast i was so scary im running out of breath and feel like vomiting. Any case like this pls tell me? And what do you think this is? Thanks. (from Khat, Jan 2013)
- My heart rate was off the chart. Waited 10 mins and it came down 12 points. I'm 56 and in very good health GENERALLY! Right now I have bronchitis and had just had a terrible coughing fit! So, of course, this doesn't give an accurate account of my general health. Many factors impact pulse. This site plainly says RESTING heart rate. If you are anxious it will elevate ... So relax, take a deep breath and track your pulse for a few days ... average it and get a better idea of what it is. (from Ellen, Jan 2013)
- I smoke weed, I'm athmatic, I hardly exercise at all and my resting heart rate is 52, should I be worried? Age 18, 6ft, 10.5 stone. (from Jayk, Jan 2013)
- I am 50 years old, have a BMI of 25 and exercise regularly. My resting pulse is normally measured at 38 to 40. My normally measured BP is 135/80. I have had dizzy spells if standing too fast, loss of memory, reduction of intellectual clarity and fatigue several times a day. Please provide advice. (from Robert, Jan 2013)
- I recently turned 20 my resting heartbeat is 94-96.. i dont know if thats normal ... I weigh 105 I exercise and rarely go eat outside food. When i get mad/frustrated/pressured (to an extent.. ex school, home, work etc) my left arm starts hurting.. i dont know what could be wrong.. anyone have a clue?! (from alo, Jan 2013)
- I have a nine year old (Kate) and her resting Heart Beat is 120 on her best days it has been monitored at 180. He is not a sporty gal, but she is a busy thin short gal. She has had this problem since she was 7, and we try to just self sooth to help her to calm down. We also have the dizzy spells and the fatigue even fainting. At School this can be a problem, but she is good to listen to he body. In fact she will come to us and say "My heart is hurting will you feel it"? She is our lovely little spirited gal.. BUT :) She has a little problem, wondering if anyone else has thing problem, She can not get to sleep easily. sometime it is 2 am and she is still up (even after taking Melatonin). Does anyone else have that problem? I think her heart is still going so fast that she just can't find rest. :( (from LeaAnne (Katies Mom) Larsen, Jan 2013)
- TO: LeaAnne (Katies Mom) Larsen. Wish I could email this to you, but I hope you read this. I'm not a doctor, but your little girl sounds just like me. I have always had a very high resting heart rate, to the extent of sometimes being uncomfortable (today being a very good example.) I also could never fall asleep as a child. The reason, or so I've been told, is because I have ADHD. Multiple doctors have told me I simply have a high metabolism, hence the high heart rate. The not being able to sleep thing is a result of the ADHD as well. It can be very difficult for people with ADHD to calm their minds/bodies enough to fall asleep, and stay asleep. I know people tend to shun medicating children for ADHD, but I urge you to get your daughter tested. Even if she's doing ok in school, medicine might help her reach her full potential, as well as helping her sleep at night. (from Emily, Feb 2013)
- I'm 6 weeks pregnant and I'm layibg on the couch and I can feel my heart beating fast. My pluse is 97 beats pre minute. Should I be worried? (from katie, Jan 2013)
- I am 29 my weight is 75 my bpm is 80 is any problum with me i am smooker too i have no activity i am government employee and i spend my all day in office what should i do to low my bpm help me out plz (from dnan, Dec 2012)
- Everyone who has commented please talk to doctors and use google. between 60-100 is normal for Adults. Low blood pressure is typically not worrisome unless it causes problems. If you are in your teens a higher pulse rate isn't that worrisome. If you are worried, talk to your doctors and educate yourselves :) (from Jodi, Dec 2012)
- Hello, I notice my heart rate is fine when I check it myself. When I go to the Dr. my heart rate increase, I was told I have the white coat syndrome. My heart rate at the Doctors office range between 120-142 My Dr. prescribed me Metoprolol to lower my heart rate. I was taking it faithfully then stoped to make sure everything was okay, and it was ranging between 62-82. I am a little over weight, just wondering how long will I have to take this medication especially with my EKG coming back normal. Who has taken Metoprolol and got off by a doctor due lower heart rate and a lifestyle change? (from T. Woods, Dec 2012)
- My heart rate fluctuates between 88 - 120bpm. I have marfans syndrome and with that a floppy mitral valve. Doctor said nothing to worry about. Should I be concerned? (from tilly, Dec 2012)
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