Many of the tests described on this site are designed for testing the fitness of sports people, though they can be used as they are or modified to cater to specific groups, such as those with disabilities.
Testing Protocols for People with Disabilities
- Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT) — a range of health-related tests of physical fitness, appropriate for use with youngsters with disabilities.
Specific Tests for People with Disabilities
In addition to the many of the regular fitness tests, there are some tests that have been adapted specifically for people with a disability.
Wheelchair Bound
- A Multistage Field Test (MFT) — for wheelchair users.
- 12 minute Wheelchair Aerobic Test
- Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test designed for wheelchair bound children with CP.
- Video of a wheelchair VO2max test

Tests for the Vision Impaired
- Beep test for the blind — a modified version of the standard 20m beep test adapted for the specific requirements for the vision impaired.
Tests for those with with cerebral palsy (CP)
- 10m beep test designed for children with cerebral palsy (CP).
- Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test designed for wheelchair bound children with CP.
Other Tests
- Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test — for disability evaluation.
Related Pages
- For those who are unable to stand (too young, too old, injured or ill), a recumbent height measurement may be appropriate.
- Testing the Obese — a discussion about appropriate tests for overweight participants and how to modify tests if needed.
- About the Paralympics
- Sports for the disabled
- Example Fitness Test Protocols
- There is also a full list of all the fitness tests on this site that you can browse.