I am not aware of all of the courses available around Australia as there has been changes over the years. Some of the dietetics courses offer more sports nutrition units than others, so it would pay to check out the uni's in your state as to what units they offer. It is important to realise that to practice as a sports dietitian you need to be qualified as a clinical dietitian first, which generally entails a 4 year degree in nutrition and dietetics (which includes a masters or post grad of some description), then to specialise in sports nutrition through work and further study.
Sports Dietitians Australia — SDA Sports Nutrition Further Education Course. The course was previously run as a 4-day face to face course, the course has been extensively reviewed and adapted into a comprehensive 13-week online course. Successful completion of this course is the criteria to become an Accredited Sports Dietitian in Australia.
Deakin University, VIC — sports nutrition unit as part of the Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics Course or as a post-graduate unit.
University of the Sunshine Coast, QLD — course available in Faculties of Science, Health and Education
University of Sydney, NSW — Sports Nutrition Honours Elective, currently only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science Nutrition (hons) degree but may soon be available to Qualified Dietitians as a single unit.
- University of Newcastle, NSW — Sports Nutrition unit
Any others? Let me know.
Related Pages
- Courses for Sports Dietitians
- A Career As Sports Dietician
- What does a sports dietitian do?
- Sports Courses
- Careers in Sport
- About sports nutrition