Here are some examples throwing competitions - though there are a lot more that go on around the world. You will find a high proportion of these take place in Australia, as there is a tradition at country fairs to have a throwing competition.

The objects that are thrown are usually unusual and can vary from thongs, gumboots, mobile phones, tuna, cow pats (cow manure), wives, damper (traditional Australian bread), mobile phones and rolling pins just to name a few. The aim is just to hurl the object as far as you can. Simple as that.
- Clog Cobbing — throwing a clog.
- Dwarf throwing — why so grumpy?
- Gumboot throwing — also known as welly wanging.
- Tuna Toss — hurling the fish in Port Lincoln, South Australia
- Black Pudding Throwing — competitors throw lumps of black pudding at Yorkshire puddings piled atop a platform.
- Moonrock Throwing — throwing a unique rock found in north-west Queensland, Australia.
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- More unusual sports
- Videos of unusual sports